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Re: The American Spirit

Chief Boring:
My advice to you regarding this epistle about the great "conspiracy" is to consign it to the bin of those whose ramblings are unknowing of the way the world really is. You know one of those who dislike America. I became so dyspeptic at the preposterous allegations and downright prevarications that I quit reading 3/4 of the way through it. I know that you also believe that it is true: that America is the last great hope of the world and one million Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marines believe it. I know you believe that this is a war of extermination. That our enemies have shown that we are vulnerable in our own country. That there are people out there who would come into my home, tie me up, rape my wife and young daughters, slaughter them in front of me and then "saw" my head off, not decapitate me. All for some version of Islam, not for anything that America has done to them. I know that you believe that we are in fact the good guys, that we were suddenly, violently and without provocation attacked and that diplomacy will not save us from this scourge of the earth. You also know that I believe so strongly in what we are doing, that my collegues and I, all physcians, surgeons, dentists, Physcian assistants and nurse practioners remain in the reserve forces of this country at great peril to our personal livelihoods. That we all have employees and families that depend on us for their income and yet we still choose to serve. Every day we stay in the uniform we run the risk of losing everything we have worked for. As you know, an activation for a healthcare provider would be tantamount to financial ruin. And yet we still continue to serve. So, Chief Boring, my advice to you, once again, is to simply ignore the comments to which this answer is attached.

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Re: The American Spirit
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