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Re: Foreignors who Died at Sea
In Response To: Foreignors who Died at Sea ()

"If they died at sea or jumped ship they wouldn't have american ancestors"

What a great point. It shows the purely political nature of such observations.

Another point of the article stated that 40% of the slaves entered throught Charleston SC. Well Duh! Charleston was the second most active port on the eastern seaboard. One reason why the United States Government did not want to lose the tax tarrif revenues from Charleston if South Carolina seceded.

But the real question that statement raises is just where did the OTHER 60% enter? You are left to assume that it was other southern ports. But was It? I wonder how many entered throught New York and Boston during the 1600's and 1700's which were larger ports?

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Slaves who died at sea being honored
Foreignors who Died at Sea
Re: Foreignors who Died at Sea