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Dixie-The Song

Would like to relate an unusual funeral which my wife and I attended this past Friday. The funeral was for an older lady that we had known for several years through our attendance at at a Baptist Church.

The order of the funeral stated that there would be a song rendered by a special guest. The guest was probably in his mid-sixties and carried a large guitar on to the pulpit area.

He started his special song which was "Dixie Land". He sang all of the verses very reverently into the microphone.

I glanced over the congregation and noticed that most of the older people had stiffened their bodies and appeared to come to attention in respect for the deceased and for "Dixie".

Personally, I felt like standing at attention and rendering the hand salute.

Don't know who selected "Dixie" to be sung but it was the first time I have ever experienced the song being sung inside a Baptist church at a funeral.

I certainly hope that "Dixie Land" is an appropriate Civil War subject.

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Dixie-The Song
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