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Herndon, Pennsylvania

I recently read a newspaper article date May 29th 1976, which related an incident that occurred in late June 1863. In the article it was reported that the telegraph operator at Herndon, Pennsylvania, observed 8 mounted men cross the Susquehanna River and ride south on the east side of the river several miles before returning and crossing back over that same bridge to the West side of the River. This Bridge was aproximately 50 Miles north of Harrisburg, Pa.

The Telegraph operator reported this unusual activity to the authorities at Harrisburg, according to his article, who supposedly investigated. How the article does not say. According to the article the Harrisburg authorities determined that this small group of "suspecious riders" was General Jubal Early andd some of his staff scouting for a crossing over the Susquehanna River.

I was wondering if anyone had heard of this incident before? It seems to be a local legend. But, I wonder if there was any truth to support it?