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In the amatter of pensions

Another area where the South ended up with the short end of the stick--pensions.

The North early began to lay claim to large pensions and to receive them. From the year 1791 to the year 1833 this government paid out in pensions $29,600,000. Of this sum, approximately $20,000,ooo was paid to the North, while only $9,000,000 was distributed throughout the entire South. And be it borne in mind that these pensions were paid for wars in which all fought on the same side and in which the numbers furnished by the South compare most faovrably (sic) with the numbers furnished by the North. These pensions were for the Revolution and for the War of 1812, with perhaps minor wars, Indian war, etc.

The above figures are obtained from Volume V., ‘the South in the Building of the Nation,” in chapter on “Economic Conditions.” written for this series by Professor Glasson, of the Chair of Political Economy of Trinity College,

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In the amatter of pensions