That is why I asked was the "Lost Cause" really Lost.
It would seem that we maybe are witnessing a rebirth of the idea that political power should rightfully be held by the people and not a central Government. There was a time when the idea on southern independence was surpressed by military and governmental power. Can it be repressed in that manner again and this nation survive? What happens when this country dissolves because our money is no good because of debt and this country breaks apart like the old Soviet Union did? Would maybe several groups of states, like maybe the old Confederate states, they having a common interest and culture, band together and form new countries?
We must remember that the greatest revolution in the history of mankind was not started by the majority of the american people in 1773. But by a minority who became dissatisfied with the way things were being done. Even during the American revolution most of the 2.5 million people who lived in those 13 colonies did not support that revolution. But those that did were passionate about it.
When I ask is the Lost Cause really lost. One must ask, Will the idea of personal Liberty ever really die?