Sin: You are directed to proceed to the State of Texas and ascertain
from the proper authorities of that State what portion of the property,
arms, and munitions of war appertaining to the Army of the United
States, recently stationed in that State, they may be desirous to turn
over to this Government and make chargeable to it. Being advised
upon this point, you will at once receive into your possession all such
l)roperty, arms, &c., and execute to such persons as the State may desig-
nate a receipt for the same; the value of such property to be hereafter
determined between the State of Texas and this Government, or this
Government and that of the United States, as the case may be.
You will from time to time, as such property, arms, &c., may be
turned over, make report to this Department of the character, quality,
and condition of the same, and the disposition made thereof nuder the
directions herein given, with such recommendations and suggestions in
reference to the same as may occur to you. You will provide for the
safe-keeping of such property, arms, &c., either at the places where
they may be delivered, or have them transported to places where this
can be provided with greater economy an(l safety, or to such points as
may hereafter be designated by this Department. You are authorized
to make contracts for the transportation contemplated in these instruc-
tions, and also for the safe-keeping of said property, arms, &c. Such
of the property turned over, strictly perishable in its nature, as may
have been condemned, or as may be, or be considered to be, unfit for
use, or as may be liable to deterioration before it can be applied to use,
may be disposed of as you deem best, provided that the authorities of
Texas shall agree to receive the proceeds of sale, should a sale be made,
and to discharge this Government from liability for the same beyond
the amount for which it may be sold; but you are required at once to
report to this Department the fact of any such disposition of property,
with the reasons which induced it. You are authorized to employ such
clerical assistance as you may require in making the returns contem-
plated herein, paying therefor a reasonable compensation.
After you shall have determined your route in visiting the several
forts and depots, you will report such route to this Department, mdi-
eating at the same time the most convenient channel for communicating
with you, as it may become necessary, from time to time.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Secretary of War.