Amen, Doyle! Recently a man in Louisiana was stopped and detained for over half an hour by police for having a "Don't Tread on Me" bumper sticker. That flag, originating in the Revolutionary War, is currently the Naval Ensign, carried on the bowsprit of every Navy ship during the War on Terror. I suppose the cops just didn't get the word, or matbe they did, from Homeland Security. I'm a Christian, I vote and pay taxes, and have sworn to protect and defend the Constitution, when I enlisted in the Navy. I am also a Life member of the NRA, and carry a pistol, legally. I'm surprised they don't follow me around waiting for me to attack!
Learn and vote! The people of California seem to have finally awakened to how they have been bled for so long and said NO! Enough is enough. Now the Governator and his minions will have to tighten their belts a little. Unless Obama bails him out with our money. We can't, and shouldn't act the same as our ancestors; we are too outgunned. But we can get smarter, and vote the so and sos out! By now everyone knows how the Press caved for Obama. I just wrote one of my Senators, who's mostly on our side, thank goodness. When they hear from enough of us they just might begin to listen. Stan