You're absolutely correct. But it is not 150 years of neglect, it is 150 years of oppression. With tthe lost of the War we lost the ability to control our "Rights". That is what ruling by the point of a bayonet will get you. We haven't lost any rights on paper. But what good is rights on paper when you can not exercise them? Who can resist a government that wishes to take rights away from us?
It is not a right IF it can be denied to you for any reason. As you pointed out You do not have the Right to own private property now under recent rulings of the Supreme Court regarding the 5th Amendment. You are only given the privelege to use the property until the Government decides that it wanted it for some other purpose. Don't pay your property Taxes and see who owns your home, even though the Government has no investment in it.
So you really only have the right to own "moveable" property. And even at that, some of that "moveable" property that you own, such as Guns, can not be owned in certain places in this country, even though the Constitution, for the whole country, says that you have the right to "Keep and Bear Arms", and the Supreme Court has ruled that this is an "Individual Right".
That was one of the things that the founders feared the most in writing the Constitution was a government that was too powerful for the people to oppose. That is what the American War Between the States, The War for Southern Independence, The War of Northern Aggression, Mr. Lincoln's War, was fought over. That was exactly what Lincoln did was to destroy the right of the people to ultimately oppose an out of control government. And now we have what we have.