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Wouldn't Take the Oath

History often repeats itself and this very issue had been brought up a few years ago under President Bushes Administration with pretty much the same result.

From the pages of the Ohio State Journal dated May 30, 1864

"Wouldn't Take the Oath- The Wheeling Intelligencer says that three members of the National Guard of Ohio, recently called out by the Governor of the State, were brought up to that city a few days since, and committed to the Atheneum, having refused to take the oath required of those entering the United States service. Their excuse is that their officers have no right to take them out of the State. They will probably remain in the Atheneum a week, at the end of which time they will be quite willing to take the oath and come out; and unless their religious principles are very firmly fixed, which is not apt to be the case with soldiers, they will take serveral oaths before they come out, for the Atheneum is about the least engaging establishment we know of to a man who has been accustomed to the free, fresh air"