The Constitution was NEVER intended to establish an ideal central Government for the command and control of the states. Which Lincoln metamorfied it into. The Federal Government was never granted such powers under any article written within the Constitution.
The Constitution was never meant to be a binding contract that superceeded the independence of the states. It was a compact between the states establishing the rules by which the several states could live together in peace for their protection and common interests. And thereby, by the states consent, forming a "More perfect Union" of freewill and not of a union maintained by force.
This thing of the Federal Government having the authority to dictating to the individual states HOW they should conduct their internal business, while widely accepted by us today, was foriegn and detestable to those states who were being dictated to.
To me that was the root cause, the fracturing of trust in the federal Government of the United States, that each state would be treated fairly and equally under the laws of their day, which caused the Civil War. Each of the individual issues enumerated such as slavery, tariffs, taxes, levy of troops, as big an important as they were, were mearly sideline issue to this underpinning that held these states together in friendship.
It is this understanding of the Constitution, that it was a COMPACT of freewill, and not an irrevolkable CONTRACT, and it is the violation of that concept, that lead to the threat of and eventual secession of South Carolina and the other southern states.
Because of this, From the very first days of this countries foundation July 5, 1776, the American Civil War was the most inevitable war that this nation ever fought, or ever will fight. And there is no assurance that it will never be fought again.