That is true. But Lee was using all Longstreet had in making his plans. IF Jenkins' Brigade and Picketts Divison had been present with Longstreet Corp on July 2nd are you saying that Lee would have withheld them anyway from making the attack along with the rest of Longstreets Command?
That is what I was saying. If Davis had not insisted that Lee leave Jenkin's Brigade behind to guard Richmond, Jenkin's Brigade would have been with Hood's Division where it was assigned. That deployment would have extended Hood's Division front by one more Brigade width to the right, which would have probably cause that Brigade to have out flanked Little Round Top moving past the 20th Maine on their left and taking the Union Brigade on Little Round Top from the rear.
Had Picket's Division not been so far back that it could not get on the battlefield until the next day. Had Pickett been with Longstreets' corps and available, Do you think Longstreet would not have used that Division also?
The whole battle plan of Lee's on July 2nd was to commit his entire army in that attack, Longstreet, Hill and Ewell corps. Of course we know that Ewell and Hill did not follow up the attack as they were supposed to and only halfheatedly committed their forces. With that in mind, do you think that if Longstreet had at least had Jenkins Brigade, Let alone Picket's entire Division, he would not have used them?