It's really quite interesting (though a bit strange too) to see these photo's because these are the first 'War' photo's that I know of. Isn't there some talk that the well known photo of the Confederate soldiers at Devils Den were staged too? Possibly because they look posed and there's another one that the bodies look to be bloated. Y'all know a lot more about these little details that I probably wouldn't even catch like the one about the rifle or the belt buckle. I guess what some of us see is someone's Son, someone's Brother, a Husband, Father or Cousin. The stark reality in the photo's makes us view these places such as Vicksburg with it's green grass and lush foliage in another light. It wasn't green and I'd bet few trees were left after that event. In looking at the destroyed buildings and the pure ruin that devestated the South makes one understand the hostile feelings that went on in many cases long after the war was declared over. We can only hope it never happens again. Photo's give the words "War torn country" a new meaning.