This thread has degenerated into a name-calling, emotional argument. Mr. "UncCump" and others, please go on to another topic and please do not insult one another or make absurd comments about some of America's greatest men.
You know some people love the N.Y. Yankees and some the L.A. Dodgers. Do you have to attack one to honor the other? For over one-hundred and fifty years, "real" and professional historians have discussed these issues and I'm sure you know, that any argument that either Lee or Grant was not a great general, is just an example of "contrarianism" and an unsupported view, not shared by the vast majority of students and scholars of the American Civil War.
We should all attempt to honor the heritage and views of our fellow posters.
Finally, when you see a ridiculous or absurd posting, don't respond to it. Let's do a little "self-policing" of the quality of the discussions on this site, not by countering asinine arguments which is a waste of precious thought and energy, but by greeting such postings with silence.
Thanks for your cooperation.
Jim Martin