BECK: I would say, this is maybe a year or so ago and maybe, and — probably about two years now, maybe, and I'm just starting to learn my history and, you know, starting to be really curious about all of this stuff in American history. And I just accepted the line, you know, that I had learned in school. And I found myself down in, I think, Richmond, Virginia, is that where the Confederate Museum is?
BARTON: It's one of the museums, I'm sure.
BECK: And I'm down there and I'm in the gift shop and I'm looking for a Confederate Constitution. And, you know, I don't know if you've ever seen those, you know, where you get the Constitution or the Declaration of Independence and there's a little envelope and it's like that crappy parchment paper and that's what I'm looking for.
And the guy who's with me, I said, I've got to find the Confederate Constitution, I want to read it. So, he just goes to the curator of the museum, and he says, "Do you have a copy of the Confederate Constitution? Glenn Beck is here and he'd like to read it." And the guy says, "Oh sure, absolutely." Next that I know, he's like, "Oh, yes, well, it's upstairs."
BECK: I'm like, OK, you keep the little envelopes upstairs. OK.
I go up and he takes out a box and it's the original Constitution and he rolls it out on to the table and I'm like, I may have jam on my hands. I don't think.
BECK: This is not a good idea, but I read it and I actually look at all of it and I read it. It was clearly — this wasn't about state rights. This was clearly about slavery.
BARTON: It was.
BECK: You can say whatever you want about states rights, it wasn't about states rights when you — to join the Confederacy, you had to be a slave state.
BARTON: And you couldn't stand the Confederacy if ended slaves. If it's slaves, I mean, it's states rights — states get to choose.
BECK: Exactly right.
BARTON: And there's a reason too that the title on it was called the Slave Holding Confederate States of America. That's part of the title. Now, we never say that.
"Slave Holding Confederate States of America" Does not appear in the Confederate Constitution.
David Upton