The Founding documents of this country have God all over them. Our currency states we have faith in God. Those who wish not to ask for God's blessing have the right not to but they also do not have the right to insist others cannot. I always thought it was it was sort of simple. The Ten Commandments are the basis for the standing laws. They've been the cornerstone for most of civilized society. Some other faiths just word them differently. When we, as a nation, started allowing those who believe in a different manner to dictate what we can say, proclaim in public or who we can pray to, we began the downhill slide. God has been so deeply ingrained in our history, when we let him go, we are gone as a nation.
What ever happened to common sense? That's the whole problem. That and the lack of good manners. A person doesn't move into a neighborhood and start telling those who have been there for 40 years how they should keep their yard, paint their house, park their car, fly their flag. They shouldn't. It's wrong. Yet it is happening and no one is stopping it.