That is correct.
I don't know if you have ever visited the SHAPE website (link below), but we have projects in the works mostly geared toward kids, if you like doing that sort of thing. We still have coloring books for sale and really need to get Vol. II started. We can use artist or illustrators. We also have a WBTS sesquicentennial project which we are gearing up for(kicking off next April). We need factual editorials, researchers and just anyone willing to get in and do some work. I am working on a Camp Chase letter project at this time and quite tied up. If you had rather deal with the business end, I need someone to deal with taxes and take over the 501C project, which I have already done all paperwork at this time. Just sorta on hold waiting for the Feds.
All of this for no pay, ain't it great????
I was in a debate once regarding changing the name of Forrest High School in Florida. The person with whom I was making exchanges lead me to believe they may have been, or where a teacher at Forrest. Anyway they informed me that after the war, Forrest formed the KKK, then later attempted to disband it in Tennessee. After that he moved to Alabama and formed a shrimping company. Sound like a movie????
I don't want to make that sort of mistake.