Hey James, Wikipedia says this. (Take it for what it is... Wikipedia LOL)
"In 1940 Foote joined the Mississippi National Guard and was commissioned as captain of artillery. After being transferred from one stateside base to another, his battalion was deployed to northern Ireland in 1943. The following year, Foote was charged with falsifying a government document relating to the check-in of a motor pool vehicle he had borrowed to visit a girlfriend in Belfast - later his first wife — who lived two miles beyond the official military limits. He was court-martialed and dismissed from the Army. He came back to the United States and took a job with the Associated Press in New York City. In January 1945, he enlisted in the United States Marine Corps, but was discharged as a private in November 1945, never having seen combat. During his training with the Marines, he recalled a fellow Marine asking him "you used to be a Army captain, didn't you?" When Foote said yes, the fellow replied, "You ought to make a pretty good Marine private."
Motorpool mishaps? Have you ever heard Buddy Hackett tell the story about "Col. "Fat&%$ Johnson" when he was detailed to the motor pool? If not, it goes like this...
Seems the base commander was named Col. ??? Johnson but everybody reffered to him as "Fat&%$ Johnson", even the Jr. officers. Hackett stated that one Sunday while watching the motorpool the phone rang and a voice asked what vehicles were available for use. Hackett replied along the lines of "Two jeeps, one duece and a half... and "Fat&%$ Johnson's staff car". The voice angrily replied... "Do you know who this is"? Hackett replied "No". The voice shouted "this is Col. Johnson". Then Hackett asked "do you know who THIS is?... When the Colonel replied "NO" Hackett then said... "Bye Bye Fat&%"
Maybe Buddy Hackett and Shelby Foote served in the same motorpool LOL!