Instead of allowing desegregation to proceed slowly and couple that with the voter issues in a few states and dang they began to act like the war was never over. The Fed had to flex its muscle and almost slap states in the face to show the world it meant business. Like 1865 all over again. Had there not been as much insult on injury by the Fed with reconstruction, the entire race relationship equation may have been very different.
Yes, We are Americans and proud of it. As with family sometimes, you've got to go to seperate areas before you hurt each other. The states were not allowed to go to that seperate area. When that happens, you go stay with the one who feeds you, comforts you and loves you the most. Many times in my life I have said I wish we'd moved out of this state but if it came moving day, I'd call it off. I'm not leaving my home. Lee wasn't going to fight against his home. That's the whole thing in a nutshell. Texas was a Republic and I'm sure it would have done well had it stayed out of the Union. Considering all that transpired to get to the Republic stage, how could it not be ok?
Florida had not been in the union as long as many of the other Southern states and in 1860, many residents were of Spanish, English or French origin. It took the end of the Civil War to get them to see themselves as Americans.