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150 Years ago today..

New York Times, August 1, 1860

European advices five days later are received by the arrival of the steamship Prince Albert at St. Johns, N.F., en route for this port, from Galway on the 24th inst. There is nothing new from Syria. Active preparations for an armed intervention were making by France, and it was reported that Russia also had expressed a desire to co-operate with France and England in the restoration of order. The Turkish Sultan had written to both France and England, expressing his grief for what had transpired, and promising to make an effort to reestablish order. From Naples we learn that the Ministry had concluded to withdraw their resignations, the King having taken measures in accordance with their desires. Still further concessions had also been ordered by the Government, such us the removal of the Royal Guard, the abolition of the punishment of the bastinado, and the discontinuance of the custom of imprisonment in secret dungeons. No further fighting in Sicily is mentioned. GARIBALDI had announced his intention to annex Sicily to Sardinia. Advices from China to June 7 are received. It is announced that hostilities were about to commence; and in connection with this fact it was reported that a Russian army of 12,000 men were marching on Peking. This report, however, needs confirmation. Our dispatch, together with our files by the City of Washington, which arrived at this port yesterday, from Liverpool on the 18th and Queenstown on the 19th ult., affords various other items of interest.

The Pony Express, which arrived at St. Joseph, Mo., on Monday night, brought advices from San Francisco to the 19th July, Oregon and Washington to the 13th, and British Columbia to the 14th. The nominations of DOUGLAS and JOHNSON, and BRECKINRIDGE and LANE, had been received in California by the respective wings of the Democracy with the usual demonstrations of approval, salutes having been fired by each in all the principal towns of the State. It is considered certain that two electoral tickets will be nominated. A Douglas ratification meeting way to be held in San Francisco on the evening of the 19th. A statement of the operations of the Mint for the past year shows the gold coinage to have been $11,960,000, and the silver coinage $500,000. Further discoveries of silver mines are reported near Owen's Lake, on the eastern slope of the mountains, about two hundred miles below Washoe. Discoveries of gold are also announced in Oregon and British Columbia -- the former on the tributaries of the Des Chartes River, and the latter in Okonagon and Inseuelle Counties. Indian troubles are reported in the whole Pacific region.

The bark Carrie Leland arrived at San Francisco on the 16th ult., from Kanagawa, Japan, on the 23d of May. There is no news of importance. American vessels were obtaining cargoes without difficulty, but the price of goods had advanced considerably.

The Pike's Peak Express arrived at St. Joseph yesterday, from Denver City on the 23d of July. Scenes of violence and bloodshed were becoming numerous in the mining region. No less than four shooting affrays are reported, all of them involving the loss of life.

Our Washington dispatches mention a rumor that there is a well-organized movement in several of the Southern States looking to a dissolution of the Union, on the plan promulgated by Mr. KEITT. It is alleged that agents have already gone abroad to ascertain what course England and France will pursue in the event of the establishment of a Southern Confederacy. These rumors, most likely, may be traced to sources in the interest of the Douglas wing of the Democracy, whose interests may be furthered by the spread of such reports.

The State Convention of the Young Democracy met at Saratoga yesterday, most of the Assembly Districts being represented. No business of importance was transacted, the day being spent principally in listening to addresses from Mayor WOOD, Gen. FOOTE of Mississippi and others.

Senator DOUGLAS arrived at Concord, N.H., yesterday, and was received by a great crowd, headed by four bands of music and a procession of carriages. Mr. DOUGLAS made a speech in response to the welcome, in which he discussed the old question of Lecompton.

The speech of Hon. JOHN SHERMAN, of Ohio, delivered at Columbus, on Friday evening last, is reproduced in our columns this morning. It will be found well worth perusal, as a calm and sensible view of the questions at issue in the present campaign. He considers Mr. BRECKINRIDGE as the true representative of the Democracy in the struggle, and believes that Mr. DOUGLAS will eventually find himself at the head of but a faction of the party, when he will be entirely extinguished.

The Young Men's Republican Union, at Stuyvesant Institute, last evening, listened to addresses from Hon. O.S. FERRY, of Connecticut, and A.J. SPOONER, Esq., and some capital campaign songs from "The Continentals" of Philadelphia.

The fifteenth annual meeting of the New-York State Teachers' Association, Prof. J.N. MCELLICOTT, President, and the third annual meeting of the New-York State Association of School Commissioners, Hon. H.H. VAN DYCK, President, assembled at Syracuse, for a three days' session, at 10 o'clock A.M. yesterday. Several important reports are to be made, and the subject of the natural order of development of the faculties will be fully discussed. A paper, entitled, "The Education we Need vs. the Education we Get," by H.L. STUART, of this City, is announced for to-morrow.

In the Board of Aldermen, last evening, the Appropriation bill, including the item of $105,000 for entertaining the Japanese, passed, by a vote of 13 to 4. The semi-annual report of the Fire-Marshal was received, from which it appears that there were, during the six months ending May 21, 239 fires, of which 67 were incendiary. Total losses, $1,546,211. The greater portion of these occurred in December and January, and took place in Ann, Fulton and Beekman streets. During the six months 62 deaths were caused by fire, of which number 26 persons were occupants of tenement houses. The number of arrests during the period was 27.

The Great Eastern arrived at Cape May at 7 o'clock yesterday morning. A great deal of dissatisfaction is reported as existing on board, owing to bad management on the part of the officers. Water was scarce, and an accident occurred by which a considerable portion of the provisions had been rendered useless

A military company from New-Haven, the Emmet Guard, arrived in this City yesterday morning, and were received by Company A of the Sixty-ninth regiment. The company numbers about 75 men. They will be reviewed to-day by the Mayor in the Park, and will visit various places of note, and will return home to-morrow.

There was much excitement and irregularity, with a large business, in Stocks yesterday, caused in part by a failure among the jobbers. The market finally closed firm. No variation in Money or Exchange.

Cotton is unchanged. Coffee is active, closing buoyantly. Molasses is in limited request at steady rates. Sugars are quiet; refining grades heavy. Naval Stores are steady. Spirits of Turpentine in fair request at the close. Flour is firmer and more active, chiefly for export. Wheat is a shade better, and in fair request for shipment. Corn is rather firmer, and in good demand for export and the East.

David Upton