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150 years ago today...slaves kidnapped

Our Special Correspondent at Palermo writes us that the existence of a secret treaty between France and Piedmont has been discovered by GARIBALDI. By the terms of this treats Piedmont will be allowed to annex the two Sicilias; but she must not touch Umbria and the Marches unless the populations first revolt, in which case these also may be annexed. As to Venice, Piedmont may win her from Austria if she can, but she must not count on aid from France. In return for all this. Piedmont is to relinquish to France the islands of Sardinia and Elba, and make other territorial grants. This treaty is alleged to he already signed, as truly as was that of P[???]ombieres, which surrendered Savoy and Nice to France.

Our Bermuda correspondent states that the Virginian, the vessel recently detained there by the Admiralty Court on suspicion of being a slaver, still remains, awaiting the action both of the Court and or the vessel's owners in New-York. The House of Assembly of Bermuda was engaged in the consideration of a Census bill. A new Tariff bill had been passed, but its provisions differed very little from those of the previously-existing law. The crop of Indian corn throughout the islands is reported to be very heavy.

An organized band of kidnappers is at the present time keeping the colored population of Kansas in constant alarm. Their victims are selected principally from among the Arkansas exiles, who a few years since were driven from that State and took up their abode in Kansas. Their free papers are taken from them by the kidnappers and destroyed and they are then coerced into the admission that they are runaway slaves, when they are taken into Missouri and sold for a more Southern market. Very little effort apparently is made to stop these nefarious operations.

The Great Eastern excursion terminated yesterday very successfully, so far as regarded the performances of the ship, but in all other respects very unfortunately. The British Directors having taken the whole matter into their own hands, contrived to mismanage if into a complete failure. Many passengers left the vessel at Cape May, preferring to test the tender mercies of New-Jersey to any further experience of the absolute famine and thirst which seem to have reigned throughout the greater part of the great ship.

The Vanderbilt steamship Illinois, from Southampton on the 18th ult, arrived at this port yesterday afternoon. Her advices have been anticipated.

The State Convention of the Young Democracy at Saratoga closed its labors yesterday. The resolutions adopted declare emphatically in favor of DOUGLAS and Popular Sovereignty. It was also resolved to hold a mass meeting at Albany on the 26th of September.

The followers of the Union nominees for the Presidency and Vice-Presidency -- BELL and E[???]RETT -- had a mass meeting in Concert Hall at Newark, N.J., last evening. About a thousand people were present, including delegations from Jersey City and New-York. Hon. SILAS CONDIT presided, and speeches were made by Hon. PETER J. CLARK, JACOB BROOME, ERASTUS BROOKS, and others. A peculiarly novel effect was created throughout the evening by the ringing of a large number of small bells in connection with the cheers and other demonstrations of applause.

The Assembly District Conventions of the National Democracy (BRECKINRIDGE and LANE) met last evening, and nominated delegates to attend the State Convention which meets at Syracuse on the 7th inst. We publish the list elsewhere.

The Emmet Guard of New-Haven were reviewed by the Mayor yesterday, in front of the City Hall, after which they dined in company with their hosts, the Irish Fusileers, at the Westchester House. They attended Niblo's Garden in the afternoon, and in the evening visited Wallack's Theatre. They will visit the Central Park to-day, and return to New-Haven this evening.

The twenty-sixth anniversary of British West India Emancipation was celebrated by the Colored Men's Republican Club yesterday at Myrtle Park, Brooklyn. About four hundred persons attended and spent the day in listening to speeches and music, and in dancing and other recreations.

In the Stock Market, yesterday, there was a fresh rise of 2 [???] cent. in the Western shares and 3/4 [???] cent. on New-York Central, the speculation taking an irregular turn at the Second Board, but ultimately closing firm for almost all descriptions of Railway shares and bonds.

Floor was in more demand, at somewhat firmer prices. Wheat was in fair request at rising rates Corn was moderately dealt in at irregular figures. Cotton, Molasses, Naval Stores, Rice, Hemp, Bides, Metals, Spices, and Tobacco were quiet. Coffee, Hops, oak-tanned Sole Leather, and Whisky, were freely sought after. The principal kinds of Oils attracted considerable attention. Provisions were inquired for; Pork and La[???]d were firmer; and Beef was steady. Sugars were de pressed. Other branches of trade presented no really new features. There were 464 vessels of all classes in port.

The live stock markets have been well supplied with the various kinds of meat during the week, the total of all kinds being 26,094, or 4,452 more than last week .... At the great cattle market held at Forty-fourth street on Tuesday and Wednesday of each week, there were offered 4,124 beeves after 1,000 head had been sold elsewhere during the week. This large number caused a decline of nearly 1/2c. in the prices, and it was only with much difficulty that all the animals were disposed of....Milch cows remain unchanged in price and demand .... Veals are not as plenty, but do not bring any more money ....Sheep and lambs are offered freely, and sell readily. Receipts have been larger than during any previous week for this year... Hogs come in more freely, and sell as fast as they arrive at former quotations.

David Upton