The Civil War News & Views Open Discussion Forum

States Rights, Land and the Constitution

I know this is really off-topic but it is related with the issue over property rights and CONTINUING fight to keep them, as was a primary cause of the Civil War. Here is a Sheriff of Nevada who requires all his deputies to learn the Constitution and how to use their power as State representatives against the powers of the Federal Government...very interesting. This is what needs to be taught in schools.

{after suffering illegal cattle seizures by armed federal agents and chronicled the history of how the robber baron bankers and railroad magnates monopolized the western states over 100 years ago. Hage wrote that the NORTHERN core financiers were aware that there are two ways to monopolize any resource, “One, get all of it for yourself that you can; two, keep anybody else from getting what you can’t.” Public Lands and National Forests were created along with restrictive regulations, using environmental protection as the excuse.}

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States Rights, Land and the Constitution
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