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150 Years Ago Today....138 Days from Secession

New York Times, August 4, 1860

According to the returns already received at the Census Bureau at Washington, the crops in all the Northern and Northwestern States are immensely heavy this year. In Pennsylvania they are represented to be nearly if not quite double those of last year, and in other States they will probably be correspondingly heavy. This fully coincides with what we have been led to expect from the accounts which have reached us from other sources. The census returns, however, come in very slowly, and it will probably be some time before we shall be able to learn the full extent of our agricultural prosperity, although Superintendent KENNEDY manifests a commendable desire to satisfy the public curiosity on the subject at the earliest possible moment.

There is now subject to draft in the United States Treasury only the sum of $3,679,000. The drafts paid during the past week amount to $1,573,000, and the drafts issued to $1,670,000. The aggregate receipts from customs at the ports of New-York, Boston, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New-Orleans and Charleston were $1,228,000. No embarrassment to the Treasury, therefore, is anticipated from the small amount on hand.

An official dispatch from COL. LEE to the War Department represents everything quiet on the Texas frontier. Even rumors as to CORTINAS or his men, or of robbers from the Mexican side of the river, have ceased. It is not thought necessary longer to expose to the diseases incident to that region at this season, more troops than may be actually requisite.

The bark Golden Lead, from Minatitlan, Isthmus of Tehuantepec, on the 4th of July, arrived at this port yesterday. She brings intelligence that a gold-hunting expedition which left that place during the month of May had returned short of provisions, but with golden proof of having been successful in their search. They went to the head waters of the Coatzaco[???]lcos River in Chinalapa, where they found auriferous deposits of sufficient richness to repay working. The expedition returned to the mines on the 1st ult. with a good supply of provisions, determined to prosecute their search still further.

The reception of the Prince of Wales at St. John, N.B., yesterday, was quite enthusiastic, the ceremonies of the occasion embracing several features of pleasing interest. He landed at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, and proceeded to his temporary residence through lines of military, civic societies, Government dignitaries and citizens, and was greeted on his arrival by about 2,000 schoolchildren, dressed uniformly, who sang the British National Anthem and strewed flowers in his path. He subsequently received and replied to addresses at the Court-house. He leaves for Frederickton, the seat of Government of New-Brunswick, this morning. In anticipation of the Prince's visit to this City, the British residents here have addressed a communication to Mr. ARCHIBALD, the British Consul, asking him to take some measures to insure a proper reception, and he has accordingly called a meeting of Her Majesty's subjects, to be held at the Astor House on Monday evening next.

The annual State election in North Carolina, for Governor and other State officers and members of the Legislature, took place on Thursday. From the imperfect nature of the returns already received, it is impossible to arrive at a definite notion of the result, though large Opposition gains are reported in some counties. Wake County, for instance, in which is situated Raleigh, the State capital, is reported to have been carried by POOLE, the Opposition candidate for Governor, against ELLIS, Democrat, the present incumbent. Last year it was largely Democratic. The Opposition have a large majority in Raleigh. The State has probably gone Democratic, though by a much reduced majority.

A letter appears in the Houston (Texas) Telegraph giving details of the plot which is alleged to have been discovered in that State for the devastation and ruin of the country by fire and sword. It is stated that about a hundred negroes have been arrested who have been examined separately, and have disclosed the existence of the conspiracy. In addition to the crimes of arson and assassination the plotters were to impoverish the country by the destruction of all provisions, arms and ammunition, when a general revolt of the negroes was to take place on the first Monday in August -- the day of the election for State officers. If one-half that is narrated by this correspondent is true, the conspiracy is the most fearful and diabolical one ever conceived. We suspect, however, that a great deal of what he writes has a basis only in his own disordered imagination.

A dispatch from Leavenworth, Kansas, states that Lieut. STEWART (JEB STUART), with a small party of troops, on the 11th ult. went in pursuit of a party of Kiowa Indians who had been giving considerable trouble by their depredations, overtook them and chastised them, killing two and taking sixteen prisoners. None of Lieut. STEWART's party are reported to be hurt. The Kiowas and Comanches have recently been committing various outrages on the Arkansas River.

Advices from Havana to the 30th ult have been received. Sugar was firm at 8 1/2 reals, and freights were advancing. No change is reported in the health of the city.

A shocking accident occurred yesterday morning on the Long Island Railroad, as the train was emerging from the cut on the descending grade between East New-York and Bedford. A cow had lain down on the track, and was not seen by the engineer until it was impossible to stop the train. As it pressed over the body of the animal, the locomotive, baggage and milk cars, and one of the passenger cars, were turned off the track and overthrown. The locomotive was turned "bottom up," and one of the firemen, named JAMES LYNCH, was crushed to death beneath it. The engineer and conductor were also badly injured. Considering the nature of the accident, it is quite wonderful that the result was not more tragical.

The Stock Market was feverish in prices through the early part of yesterday, but closed generally strong, at an advance on the lower figures, in the afternoon. No alteration in Money or exchange.

Cotton was in moderate request. Flour, Wheat and Corn attracted more attention. Provisions were quiet. A fair demand prevailed for the principal kinds of Groceries. Dyewoods, Fish, Foreign Liquors, Hemp, Hides, Naval Stores, Rice, Seeds, Tobacco, and Whalebone were inactive. Metals were rather more sought after. Whisky was plenty and heavy. Freights were very firm.

David Upton