New York Times, Sunday, August 8, 1860
News of the Day
It is reported that an agreement relative to the intervention of the Great European Powers to arrest the Syrian outbreak, was signed at Paris on the 26th ult. Further particulars are received of the massacre at Damascus, from which it would appear that the Druses invited ABD-EL-KADER to assist them in their war against the Christians, but he positively refused to give them any countenance. From Italy there is a rumor, indorsed by the London Times' correspondent, that GARIBALDI had landed on the Neapolitan coast, and was marching on the capital. The speech of Lord PALMERSTON on the British Defence question, published some days ago in this journal, is reported to have caused great excitement in Paris. We learn from an announcement of the Atlantic Telegraph Company that the efforts to restore the cable at Newfoundland have been unsuccessful. The prospectus of a new Ocean Telegraph Company- has been issued in London.
We learn from a German print that an imperial ukase, exceedingly important to foreign residents in Russia, has been recently issued by the Czar. This decree removes many of the restrictions heretofore imposed upon foreign merchants, and places them upon an equal footing with native merchants. Foreigners are also now permitted to acquire movable or immovable property by purchase, will, or donation. This law -- another step in that path of liberal reform which Russia some time ago commenced to follow -- will doubtless have a wholesome influence upon her trade, and will be recognized with satisfaction by the whole commercial world.
The Breckinridge and Lane Democratic State Convention assembled at Syracuse, yesterday, to nominate candidates for State Officers and to make necessary arrangements for the Presidential campaign. The Convention did not get fairly to work until night, most of the day being spent in the attempt to straighten out the matter of credentials. Hon. HENRY S. RANDALL, of Cortland, was finally elected permanent President, and every district in the State was declared to be properly represented in the Convention. At the late hour at which the proceedings reach us, we cannot do more than refer our readers to our very full telegraphic report.
The Prince of Wales returned to St. John from Fredericton, and embarked on board the gunboat Styx for Hantsport. He attended a ball at Fredericton on Monday night, and danced until 2 o'clock. The people of St. John, on his return there, took the horses from his carriage and drew him through the streets to the place of embarkation. The letters of our special correspondent give full and interesting details of the reception ceremonies at Halifax, St. John, and other places.
Among the papers read in the Scientific Congress on Saturday, was one by Prof. AGASSIZ, on Methods of Zoology; one by Prof. BACHE, on the Magnetism of the Moon; one by C.B. HITCHCOCK, Esq., on the Geology of Newport; and one by Capt. HUNT, on War in its Scientific Aspects. No division into sections took place, and only one session was held -- the savans in the afternoon making a visit to the fort. Great interest was felt in the paper of Prof. AGASSIZ, as it was thought he might touch upon the theory of DARWIN in his Origin of Species; but the great crowd which flocked to hear it was disappointed, as he scarcely approached it.
A Convention of the Dental Surgeon's of the United States assembled at Saratoga yesterday, and is expected to remain in Session three or four days. About seventy-five members were present, and probably as many more will arrive during the Session. L.L. BUCKINGHAM, of Philadelphia, was elected President for the ensuing year. In the afternoon several interesting essays were read.
Another letter from our special correspondent on board the Great Eastern, giving details of the trip to the Chesapeake, will be found in our columns this morning.
The Board of Councilmen last evening received a communication from the Comptroller detailing the condition of the City finances. Councilman LENT gave notice that he should not vote for the Japanese appropriation again unless a bill of particulars was furnished. No attempt was made to pass the appropriation, and it is understood that none will be made until the items of the bills are forthcoming, when the $105,000 will be voted. The Board concurred with the Aldermen in directing that the floating debt of the City should be funded, and that a new water stock should be issued for the enlargement of the Croton Works.
The international cricket match between Canada and the United States, commenced on Monday, terminated yesterday in favor of the United States, who, at the close, had five wickets to spare. The Canadians made 190 in their two innings. Notwithstanding the heat of the day the match was contested with much spirit, and was witnessed by quite a crowd of spectators, many of whom were ladies.
The Mendelssohn Musical Union, numbering among its members many of the most talented musicians resident in the City, spent an agreeable season on Monday night in making a moonlight excursion to the Highlands of the Hudson. Several musical celebrities participated in the event, and, occupied with singing and dancing, the excursionists found that the eight hours devoted to their Festival had passed all too quickly.
The Stock Market again advanced 1@2 [???] cent. yesterday on the New-York and Western Road Shares, and closed strong in the afternoon, though at a concession of 1/2 @ 1 cent. from extreme rates. No alteration in Money or Exchange.
Flour, Wheat and Corn were in lively demand at firmer prices. Cotton was in limited request at former rates. Groceries were moderately dealt in. Cassia was brisker. Tar was more sought after and was dearer. Provisions were quiet. The movements in other branches of trade exhibited no important changes.
--Letter from John Brown Jr. to the President of Haiti.
The Moniteur Haitien, of July 7, contains the following letter, translated from English into French by M. DOUGET, Secretary of the Police of Hayti:
To His Excellency Gen. Fabre Geffrard, President of the Republic of Hayti:
Words full of sympathy have come to me and those who in this country cherish liberty, equality and fraternity. They inform us that the good people of your republic have given a unanimous manifestation of their grief on the occasion of the execution of my lamented father, Capt. JOHN BROWN, and his companions in arms.
Allow me, in behalf of the members of my family who are not yet fallen victims beneath the iron rod of the slaveholders in America, to say to you, and through you to all the good Haytians, that we entertain for you a cordial sympathy. Although your country is far from ours, and though we speak different languages, we nevertheless feel that hearts can meet, notwithstanding intervening distances; we remember that God has formed of one blood all the inhabitants of the earth.
Haytians, brother and sister, here in this land of slaves, the warmest friends of your race are watching you, to observe how you refute the defamation that the African is incapable of self-government. You have given proof of your ability as soldiers. Without other assistance than that you found in your own energy and valor, you have thrown off and woken the yoke of the tyrant, and obliged him to seek refuge on the ocean. Your enemies themselves; call you brave; your friends know that you are humane and magnanimous. The entire world to-day beholds in you the sublime spectacle of a people who, knowing the value of the liberty they have conquered have arrived at that stage of progress which permits them to extend a generous sympathy to their oppressed brethren in a foreign land.
In this you have proven that spirit of progress which is the omen of your future grandeur and the guarantee of the accomplishment of our most brilliant hopes -- the reign of universal emancipation.
We have heard how a slave power seized one of your most noble champions (TOUSSAINT L'OVERTURE) and cast him into a cold, damp dungeon, where he died of hunger. In our country, fines, imprisonment, hot iron, or the gibbet is the portion of those who will not prostrate themselves before the Moloch of Slavery. Nevertheless, in spite of all these chastisements, we are not discouraged.
The mutilated body can disappear; but the soul survives it.
So it is, then, only the body of TOUSSAINT L'OUVERTURE which sleeps in the tomb; his soul visits the cabins of the slaves of the South when night is spread, over the face of nature. The ears of our American slaves hear his voice in the wind-gusts which sweep over the prairies of Texas, of Arkansas and Missouri; his voice finds an echo in the immense valleys of Florida, among the pines of the Carolina, in the Dismal Swamp and upon the mountain-tops, Pro-Dismal that the despots of America shall yet know the strength of the toiler's arm, and that he who would be free must himself strike the first blow.
Long live Fabre Jeffrard (Geffrard). Long live the Republic. Such is the aspiration of the sincere friend of both.
JEFFERSON, Ashtabula County, Ohio, l6th April, I860."