Army Intelligence.- Some thrilling changes having taken place in the organization of the departments of the Army in 1859, the Department publishes the following correct statement of their present arrangement:
Department of the East- the country east of the Mississippi River. Headquarters at Troy N.Y.
Department of the West- the country west of the Mississippi River and east of the Rocky Mountains, except those portions of it included in the Departments of Texas and New Mexico. Headquarters at St. Louis, Mo.
Department of Texas- The State of Texas and Indian Territory lying South of Kansas and the Arkansas River; (Fort Bliss is, however, temporarily attached to the Department of New Mexico.) Headquarters at San Antonio, Texas.
Department of New Mexico- The Territory of New Mexico, exclusive of Fort Mojave, attached to the Department of California. Headquarters at Santa Fe, New Mexico.
Department of Utah- The Territory of Utah, except that portion of it lying west of the 117th degree of west longitude. Headquarters at Camp Floyd.
Department of Oregon- Washington Territory and the State of Oregon, excepting the Rogue River and Umpqua Districts of the later. Headquarters at Fort Vancouver, W.T.
Department of California- The country west of the Rocky Mountains, except those portions of it included within the limits of the Departments of Oregon, Utah and New Mexico. Headquarters at San Fransico, California.
The Headquarters of the Army are in the city of New York.
Note: Officers, whose stations are changed by transfers or promotions, will report for duty accordingly.
The Syrian Massacres.- The New York Commercial argues that the great European powers, France excepted, are to be regarded as the authors, indirectly, of the late massacres on Mount Lebanon; and that the dreadful tragedies can be traced to foreign interference to sustain the effete Turkish monarchy against Mahommed Ali, of Egypt, one of its own subjects, who had reduced and could have retained the mountain tribe of Syria in perfect order, and had done more to promte the prosperity of that country in seven years than the Sultans have accomplished in a century.
From Arizona- Capt. Ewell's Campaign- Indians would not Fight.- The annexed later intelligence we find in St. Louis Republican of Moday last:
Capt. Ewell has returned to Fort Buchanan with his command, without having achieved success in the object of his expedition....The Indians met at the place of rendevous with their women and children, the entire collection numbering about one hundred and fifty. They brought in a few worthless animals (Ewell had requested the return of stolen stock) which the Captain declined receiving, and after waiting in vain for a better assortment, he gave them notice that he would proceed to force them to terms.
Captain Ewell's command consisted of 75 dragoons and several volunteers, but although he continued over a fortnight in the field, nothing was effected. Not a single engagement took place, no prisoners were taken, and the campaign was a complete failure....They do not hesitate to steal whenever opportunity offers, but upon the advent of troops in their mountain homes, they always either fly before them and keep out of the way, or enter camp with their women and children, making earnest protestations of friendship and good will toward the whites, thus placing it out of the power of civilized troops to punish them in accordance with the usages of war.
Late accounts from Sonora state (Mexico) that the insurrection of the Yaqui Indians had not been quelled.
Major Culbertson, who just come form the Rocky Mountains, says that the head waters of the Missiouri and Columbia rivers are so near together, that he at one time drank from the Missouri, on the east side of the Rocky Mountains, and a half hour afterwards from the Columbia, on the Pacific.
Wells Fargo and Co.'s express was lately robbed in the most polite way of $15,000 near Chico, Butte County, California. way of mollifying Charley's (the stage driver) feelings the highwayman politely assured him, upon his honor as a gentleman, that he was not a murderer, and did not desire to take a dollar from any person then present...."but your company advertise that they have a capital stock of $500,000, and $15,000 to divide among the boys would not be missed, Charley, you know." (This sounds like the notorious "Black Bart" stage coach robber, although he was to have left California to Illinois in that year.)
Story on John Brown's partnership with a wealthy Ohio man named Perkins to establish a wool commission's house in Springfield Mass.
Africans landed on the coast of Georgia, Wednesday last, by a brig.
Fatal Occurrence-- A Stage Upset and Eight persons killed-- The following we clip form the Madison Arkansas Pioneer of the 1st Instant.
We were informed by a gentleman who came through on the overland stage, on Sunday last, that they had quite a severe and distressing accident about a week since on the other side of Fort Smith. The horses ran away coming down the mountain, and six passengers, besides the driver and conductor, making eight in all, were killed. Only one passenger escaped out of the load.
Well lighted Street.- (local) Canal street will be well lighted when the Natural Ground Gas lamps are all up and ablaze.
David Upton