The Civil War News & Views Open Discussion Forum

150 Years Ago Today...

[nobody called me on my mistake...I got the July and August calendars mixed up...our current calander is not a match with 1860, my apologies]

The Daily True Delta, New Orleans La., Saturday, August 11, 1860.

- Office of the Board of Health- 10 Day mandantory quarantine for vessals arriving from or touching at any of the following infected ports:
St. Iago
All of the island of Cuba
Port Royal
Montego Bay, on the Island of Jamaica;
Port au Prince, on the Island of St. Dominog;
The Islands of St. Thomas, Martinique and Guadaloupe;
Campeachy, in Yucatan;
Belize, in Honduras;
Vera Cruz, Alvarado, Tampico, Tuspan, in Mexico;
San Juan de Nicaragua Chagres, Aspinwall and Porto-Bello, in Central America;
Ruatan Island

..on publication in French and English in the city papers.


Baltimore Conference vs The General Conference Methodist Episcopal Church. The presiding elders of the several districts embracing the whole territory of the Baltimore Conference convened at Stautonon the 1st instant. The design of this meeting was to consider the course most proper to be taken by the membership of the church in the bounds of the Conference, in view of the action of the General Conference at its late secssion in Buffalo. That body introduced into the discipline a chapter on slvery which is very offensive to the Methodists of the Baltimore Conference....It is said by some of the prominent members of this denomination that this suggestion will probably result in a concerted movement of withdrawal from the jurisdiction of the Northern Conference.


Wonders of California- The Marysville (Cal) Express describes what on H. C. Dale and party state they saw during a recent expedition to the Black Rock region....They discovered a mountain between Mud and Pyramid Lakes, which resembled a huge mass of petrified sponge. The stratum upon which the mas rests, is a kind of slate....near this they discovered another mountain a vast quarry of beautiful marble, and in their rambles they one day saw in the distance a large mass of something which glittered and shone brilliantly. They approached it, and upon examination they found it to be a large bed of mica...Some day an adequate scientific account will be written of Western Utah, and the whole world can then credit and marvel at the wonders known at present only to a few...

The Esacpe of S. M. Booth,-- The Millwaukee Sentinel says the rescue of Sherman M. Booth from the custody of the United States officers at Milwaukee, on August 1st, before mentioned, was affected in the following manner:

A few minutes after 12 o'clock, ten determined men walked leisurely up the Customhouse steps. They must have been taken for merchants having business with the Collector. They seemed entirely unconcerned, and were talking of every-day matters.

They, however, did not visit the Collector; and the Marshall they could not see, for he was eating his dinner. The vigilant Burke was alone visible. One of the gentlemen presented Mr. Burke with a card of admission to see Booth. The vigilant Burke took it, and was proceeding to read it, when one of the other gentlemen caught him by the arms. A revolver gleamed before him. He heard the key turn in the door, and in another moment Mr. Booth stepped lightly over the threshold, and waving an affectionate au revior, went down the iron steps as comfortably as though on his way to a tea party. Mr. Burke found himself thrust into the room, and the key again turned.

Mr. Booth was prepared for the promenade. His boots were blackened; the greater portion of his hair was combed, and holding a fragrant nosegay in one hand, and a pistol in the other, he passed down Wisconsin street, and walked over to the residence of his brother-in-law , T. J. Salsman,...Here a large concourse of people gathered to congratulate him. From this place he proceded in a wagon to a railroad station outside of the city, and is now probably enjoying the rural felicity of Walworth or Rock county.

Syrian Massacres- France is determined to intercede for the protection of the Christians in Syria.

Texas Iteams

*The Negro Conspiracy in Austin.- The excitement consequent upon the late abolition incendiaries has not wholly subsided.

At a meeting of the Council in this city, the day before yesterday, it was decided to make a general search of the negro quarters, and a committee of investigation was accordingly appointed. One keg of powder, a large quantity of bullets, lead, muskets, caps and bowie knives were found distributed at several places. The negros implicated in the conspiracy belong to Mesars. Edward Clark (our present Lt. Governor,) Sam Harris and Mrs. Beal. The investigation is till going on, and it is supposed that the leaders, who were doubtless white men, have fled from this city.

*The Indianola Courier of the 4th has the following:

We hear it reported that a large number of negroes had been discovered rendezvoused at the house of a free negro in Matagorda county last week, all armed. According to this report, for which we have found no one to vouch, some eighty negroes were whipped, and a plot of insurrection was confessed.

*The Huntsville Item says the citizens of that place have appointed a night patrol to aid the regular guard in detecting, if possible, any abolition emissaries in that place. Similar precautionary steps have been taken in mos of the interior towns.

*Accident at Sabine Pass.- One of the boilers attached to the machinery of the large steam saw and planing mill belonging to Judge Wingate, of the above place, exploded on Saturday afternoon last. The fireman (a negro) was scalded to death, and two or three children slightly injured. The cause was thought to be too much salt adhering to the iron of the boiler. The loss will probably be about five hundred dollars.

*The Paris (Lamar County) Press, of the 28th ult., says the therometer at 3 p.m. that day, stood at 111 degrees. There had been no rain for two months.
Volcanic Eruption in Iceland

The Seven Wonders (From the American Railway Times)

--The Pacific railway will, doubtless, be long- big - but it remains to be seen if it will be great. If it introduces some of the blunders which other large roads in this country have been killed with, it had better never be builts; but if it adopts the real improvements of which there are enough in operation all around us, it will be not only long and big, but great, and may safely be called one of the wonders.

Escape of the Notorious Forger- His Method of Self-Liberation.- Col. John Buchanan Cross, the noted forger, made his escape from a Philidelphia police officer, on Saturday morning, as he was being taken from...prison to the Court of Quarter Sessions to be sentenced.


A Great Land Project- steps are in progress for the organization of a company in London, with a capital of 500,000 sterling ($2,500,000,) to be devoted to the purchase and settlement of lands in Illinois. The "Prairie Land Emigration Company" state that a conditional purchase has been made of 250,000 acres of prarie land, from the Illinios Central Railroad Company, "that when the sale is completed the company will not be in any way connected with the Illinois Central Railroad, or its affairs, but will hold the land by a direct tenure in freehold."... {Abraham Lincoln's biggest customer was the Illinois Central Railroad...he was a legal representative and lobbyist for them from 1853 until 1860, D. U.}


Counterfiet $10 gold coin warning from the New York Bank's and Subtreasury Office.

Great Dought in Kansas-- no corn crop for Southern Kansas.

California news via the Pony Express to St. Louis, Mo.

Breckinridge and Lane campaign being organized, Douglas men are also active and will carry the Irish and Germans. Seventeen papers have come out for Douglas and six for Breckinridge. There are nine that have not taken sides. The Black Republicans claim the State for Abe Lincoln, in the consequence of these divisions. The friends of Bell and Everett are holding meetings without much strength.

The Indians are very peaceful and hostillities have entirely ceased.

About seventeen camels for California use have arrived at Hakodadji. Everything is quiet in Japan.

Lieut. Gillis with an astronomal party is returning home.

The political movement in Oregon is rather quiet.

Wm. Walls, the supposed murderer of Mr. Witzler at Sacramento, July 12th was arrested near Washoe and taken towards Sacramento by Wm. C. Stoddard, George Armstrong, of Texas, and Timothy Wharton. When within a mile of Sacramento Wm. Walls killed all three of his keepers and made his escape. A body of armed men have left Sacramento in pursuit of the murderer.
Missouri Elections.
Kentucky Elections.
Arkansas Gubernatorial Canvass

The Royal Street Conflagration...

The whole block of buildings on the west side of Royal Street, from Customhouse to Bienville, was burned down yesterday least 12 buildings.


A hostile meeting took place last evening, at the Metaire Ridge, between Messrs. P. Magioni and Galabert. They fought with small swords. The former was wounded in the arm, and the latter in the thigh, but neither dangerously.

David Upton

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