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Re: 150 Years Ago Today...
In Response To: 150 Years Ago Today... ()

Don't ya just love to see the news reports of a duel? Now I guess they'd be called 'drive by's'. Lots of interesting bit n pieces in those old papers. I can just imagine the look on their face when they discovered petrified sponge and it wasn't near an ocean. That had to be a head scratcher. The reports of the campaigns gearing up are interesting even though we know how they ended.

I'm wondering, seems like we're seeing the write ups on discussions on the slavery issue coming from the northern states. Wonder if this helped Lincoln hatch his plot? Knowing how the wind was blowing, he pretty well knew he'd get support for any war if he could get it started and blame it on the Confederacy.


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150 Years Ago Today...
Re: 150 Years Ago Today...