-(See yesterdays New Orleans fire story) Complaints that the new "Fire Alarm Telegram" system failed due to the tardiness of the holder of the key. A quarter of an hour after the fire was discovered that the signal of alarm was given- the excuse being that the gentelman to whom the key was intrusted had gone over the lake, and left the key in the keeping of a colored man, who had mislaid it. This new system had replaced a public alarm bell.
-The Aurora Borealis- About a half past three o'clock yesterday morning says the Charleston Mercury of the 8th, a brilliant and beautiful glare was noticed to light up the northern quarter of the heavens, and continued for about a half an hour.
-Biloxi, MS. celebrated its great Regatta racing event, visited by the yachts Corypheus, Alabama, Foreman, Ariel, Voltigeur, Rapid and Pastine all decorated in many flags. Other guest included Fire Company 18 in regimental form, the Blues a local rifle corps organized in Biloxi, and many sailing boats from Mobile. On the result of the race a considerable amount of bank-notes changed owners, and a due share of liquor was consumed; after which this indolent town subsided into its accustomed and chronic lethargy.
-Movement of the Disunionist.- The Breckinridge State Convention in New York nominated on Thursday, the 9th, a straight State ticket, with James T. Brady at its head for Governor.
-A Genuine Jefferson For Douglas.- Mr. Gaius Stebbins, who resides at Grand Rapids, Michigan, writes as follows to the Albany (N.Y.) Argus:
I lived when George Washington was President, and have been an observer of political events a long life time. Ihave not been able to discover the necessity of a change from the Democratic principles inaugurated and up held by Mr. Jefferson, continued under all of the Democratic administrations since, down to the last two years, and proposed to be revived under the gallant Douglas, should he also be elected, which may God prosper! Oh, my heart beats with indiguation when I see men purporting to be Democrats, in any section of the Union, by which the Democracy has stood so long, desorting Democratic principles, and turning as traitors against the regular nominees. They can only aid the Black Republicans, who would break up our glorious Union. What, then, can they be thinking of? Have they forgotten Washington, Jefferson and all our fathers? God grant my eyes may never see the triumph of a sectional party, ignoring and reviling one-half of our country. I should then indeed have lived too long.
-How Alabama Stands- [Col. Clemens late editor of the Memphis Enquirer] Placing no great reliance upon the reports I hear daily from other parts of the State, and judging only from the feeling manifested in this stronghold of Democracy, I tell you with entire confidence that you may set down Alabama as lost to Breckinridge. He could not carry the State to-day, and will grow weaker from this time until November. The only think which ever gave the secession party any strength in Alabama, was its assumption of the name of Democracy, and when that is torn away, they will dwindle into a faction too contemptible to excite the fears or disturb the peace of the country.
-R. S. Tharin, Esq., who was a delegate to the Seceders' Convention in Montgomery, from Coosa county, has come out from the camp of the suicides, and declared for Bell and Everett.
-One city block of the City of Mobile burned down last Thursday in just three hours, damages estimated at $30,000. The Garner House Hotel was threatened by saved by the fire department after an initial scare of a lack of water.
-Death from the Bite of a "Cotton Mouth"- Mr. E. L. Hicks was bitten three times my a "Cotton Mouth" while seining Bayou Two Prairie. Mr. Hicks lived exactly one week after having been bitten.
-Sicillian Insurrection continues
-Cotton market in Liverpool dull.
-Texas News-
*The Insurrectionary Excitement* Our Texas exchanges, to hand by this morning's mail, are mainly filled with details of the late contemplated massacre in the Northern part of the State. So great was the interest felt in some counties, that the vote on Monday last was materially reduced from theat of former years. Further arrests of both whites and blacks were being daily made. Public meetings had been held in almost every county in the North, for the purpose of devising measures for the future safety of the people against the abolition incendiaries who are endeavoring to incite the slaves to the commission of acts the most fiendish and unnatural. The Houston Telegraph has some further information from Montgomery and other localities, which we give below:
-Insurrectionary Excitement in Montgomery. We have received letters form Montgomery dated on the 3d and the 5th inst., form which we learn there is considerable excitement in that county abou the negroes. It seems that a white man by the name of Simmons was arrested on the 2d and put in jail. He was implicated by several negroes who say he was their agent to furnish them with arms.
On the 4th there was a large meeting of the citizens in Montgomery, which appointed a Vigilance Committee. This committee was at last accounts investigating the whole affair. They had not yet reported on Simmons' case. The Sheriff had resigned to be out of their way, the committee, by the common consent of the people, having all the authority.
We learn by word of mouth that Col. Shannon, of that county, observing something wrong in the deportment of his negroes Saturday night, had them taken up and separately examined. They all concur in saying that they had formed a plot, to burn his premises and murder him and his family , and then escape.
-Sent Out of the State- We learn that a man by the name of Williamson, who had been suspected of tampering with negroes at the Navosota City Depot, was arrested there on Saturday. On being brought to trial, none buty negro evidence appeared against him, in consequence of which he was not convicted , though it was perfectly evident that he had received stolen property form the negroes for months, and that the negroes by his instigation were to set fire to the town and make their escape on Sunday night. It was decided to send him out of the State, by way of Galveston.
The McKinney Messenger Speaks of the insurrectionary danger as special and imminent.
We clip the following from the Henderson New Era:
The three runaway negroes belonging to John B. Murray and W.W. Wingfield were arrested at Gilmer, and brought back here last week. A waybill form here to the Indian Nation was found in their possession, as well as passes. The waybill was said to have been written by a young man named Hunt, in that place; and on Friday last an informal examination was had, which resulted in his being allowed to go free, for want of any legal evidence against him.
The Seguin Democrat mentions the presence of suspicious strangers in that town, and warns the people to be on the lookout. They have been met at the dead hour of night by citizens accidentally out, and appear to be up to no good.
-The first bale of few cotton from the United States arrives in England via the Europa.
-Increase of the Black Republican Party- Seventy-two white females were married to negroes in the State of Massachusetts last year.
-Insurrection Among the Negroes- [West Indies]
The schooner Emma Tuttle has arrived at this port form Sombrero, Guano Island. She reports that an insurrection has taken place among the negroes employed at Sombrero. An overseer by the name of Snow was murdered by one of the negroes under his charge. The negro was immediately arrested and sent to the United States on board the American bark Warren, to be tried.
The blacks, infuriated at this conduct on the part of the authorities, rose and took possession of the island, numbering two hundred against twelve whites.
-Escape of Slaves- The St. Louis Evening News of the 8th publishes the following: A mother with three children, the property of Judge Oily Williams, residing about one mile below Carondelet, at the "Sigerson Place," disapeared last night, and it is supposed, were spirited away by patrons of the underground railroad...since writing the above, we learn that the negroes have been caught, and placed in possession of their owner. They did not cross the river...as supposed, but made their way into the city, where they takne this morning. They state that they were tampered with by an Abolitionist who gave his name as Smith, who induced them, with promises of freedom, and other captivating stories, to accompany him northward. The scamp brought the poor creatures to St. Louis, and it was while preperations were being made to push them further on their journey, that they were observed and taken into custody. Smith is at large....
David Upton