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150 Years Ago Today...August 14, 1860

Boston Evening Transcript, Tuesday, August 14, 1860.

New York...The city is more full of strangers than ever; many from the South, from Europe and the West Indies, are making a summer visit, and notwithstanding the heat, seem quite content as they saunter in Broadway, ride to the Park, smoke in balconies and under awnings, eat ices in the evening, and, in light dresses, make themselves at home in a metropolis whose regular inhabitants have migrated to cooler latitudes. Within a few days many business men have arrived; but the wholesale dealers have imported less than last year in anticipation of a moderate trade. As far as this conjecture was founded on a lack of cash at the West, and the comparative stagnation of the market, it was correct; but, in as far as it was based upon the expectation of absorbing political excitement here, facts do not justify the surmise. While politicians are taking the stump in the South, and many large meetings, according to the journals, are being held in the interior,- New York was never so quiescent on the eve of a Presidential election as now.

Various reasons are assigned to this passivity- the most obvious of which is the unprecedented complication and division of parties, and the want of personal enthusiasm inspired by the candidates. Most people are satisfied to read the "Political" column in the daily papers, to discuss the chances of success of this, that and the other organization, and to speculate and bet on the result in November. It seems hardly possible that this is the same community that, a few years ago, was so agitated at the panic period of the year; when "our Jessie" was the toast everywhere, and Fremont processions made the sultry midnight vociferous. Election returns from distant places are, indeed, watched and chronicled with interest; but the partisan press has to warm and waken the lukewarm adherents of "Old Abe" and his competitors in long and rather forced editorials....

...Two facts in the late news form Europe elicit much speculation: the ministerial recognition in England of the danger of French invasion, and the retreat of the remaining Neapolitian troops in Sicily into the citadel of Messina. The former circumstance was regarded, by most of our jouralists, as a political expedient rather than a serious warning; while, by some observers, it was thought to have a motive and a cause which have not transpired, and are more cogent than appearances indicated. The letter of Louis Napoleon therefore excited great attention, and is regarded as a masterly production. As to the movement in Messina, its significance is scarcely appreciated. That one of the strongest fortifications in the Mediterranean, and the stronghold of Sicily, should be thus the last refuge of the myrmidons of tyranny, argues a fatal consciousness of weakness on the part of the King of Naples, while it advances to consummation the glorious achievements of Garibaldi. Whether destined to continue or not, the fact is glorious, that after so many years of oppession, Sicily is all but free- and made so by the prowess and patience of an Italian patriot soldier; her scattered families reunited; her ... exiles thronging home; her infamous sbirri driven away; she breathes at last and re-asserts her civic existance-punishes her tyrants, and is conscious of a national life!

...The Chicago Zouaves have made no casual impression; similar corps are being organized....

New Orleans and Havana.... There was a violent storm on Saturday, which did immense damage. The Proctorille terminus of the Mexican Gulf Railroad was entirely submerged, the water rising over 12 feet, carrying away all the houses but one. Nearly forty lives were lost. The steamer Brenville, with Havana dates of the 8th, had arrived. There had been a terrible gale in the Gulf of Mexico. Schooner Oregon from Mobile, was lost in a gale in the Gulf of Mexico. Passengers and crew saved.

Washington News...Judge Arny of Kansas has filed in the general land office the necessary papers to obtain the right of way for a railroad through Southern Kansas to conect with the Galveston Railroad in Texas, and the proper instructions have been issued by the Commissioners on the Land Office in regard thereto. Arny left today with a corps of engineers to survey a route through Kansas, and the Osage and Cherokee country. Thaddeus Hyatt is here on his was to Kansas, to inquire into the condition of the people, who are said to be on the verge of starvation form failing crops. He has instituted no suit against the Sergeant-at-Arms, but intends to prosecute in the several State Courts individual Senators who voted for his imprisonment.

Indian Disturbances. Independence Mo., The Santa Fe mail has arrived. In a skirmish the troops had killed two Camanches and wounded several. Indian depredations contintue. Fort Union is to be reinforced and another Indian battle is expected. A general Indian war is anticipated. Bent's Fort is threatened with an Indian attack.

From Mexico...Miramon's army was routed by the Liberals in attempting to escape from Lagos. At the latest dates Miramon was surrounded at Leon. Gen. Robles had abandoned Jalapa. The principle towns had risen, and pronounced for the Liberals. The Spanish Minister had threatened to bombard Vera Cruz.

Politcal...a very successful reception of the Hon. Wm H. Seward took place last night. The New York Senator arrived form Portland about 10 o'clock. He was met at the Boston and Maine depot by a large crowd of enthusiastic admirers, was placed in a barouche drawn by four white horses, in which were Senator Wilson, Hon. Charles Francis Adams, and Mr. N. B. Bickwell and driven rapidly to the Revere House. Here a large assemblage, between three and four thousand in number, soon collected, and the Germania Band were also in waiting to serenade Mr. Seward....[Seward speaks]

...It is twenty two years ago, not far from this season, when a distinguished and venerable statesman had retired to his home, a few miles in the suburbs of your city, under the censure of his fellow citizens, driven home to his quarters by the peltings of a remorseless pro-slavery people, that I,- younger then than I am now of course,- made a pilgrimage , unmolested in its progress, form my own State to the sage of Quincy, (appause) there to learn from him what became a citizen of the United States, in view of the deplorable condition of the intelligence and sentiment of the country under the power of slavery. And there I have received, and thence I have derived every resolution and every sentiment that has animated and inspired me to the performance of my duty as a citizen of the Untied States, until this time. I know indeed that it has not always been popular, even in the State of massachusetts.

I know that citizens of Massachusetts as well aa citizens of other States have attempted to drive the disciples of that illustrious teacher from their system and from their policy, and it is tonight that I am free to confess that whenever I met any man, whereever he could be found, whether of the solid men of Boston, or the light men of Mississippi, I sought to commune with his spirit, and learn form him, whether the thing in which I was engaged was well and worthily done. (cheers) What a commentary upon the wisdom of man is read in this single fact, that fifteen years only after the death of John Quincy Adams, the people of the United States, who hurled him from power and from trust, are calling to the head of the nation Abraham Lincoln, (cheers) who confesses the obligation of that higher law which the Sage of Quincy proclaimed, and avows himself for weal or woe, for life or death, a soldier on the side of freedom in the irrepressible conflict between freedom and slavery. (laughter and cheers)

This, gentlemen, is my simple confession. I desire now only to say to you that you have arrived at the last stage of this conflict before you reach the triumph (cheers) which is to inaugurate this great policy into the government of the United States. (great cheering) You will bear yourselves manfully. It behooves you, solid men of Boston- if you are here- and if you are not here then the lighter men- all the men of Massachusetss- to bear onward and forward first in the ranks the flag of freedom. I am somewhat turned about. I confess to you, by the strange tongues and dialects which I hear, but I believe that I shall speak correctly if I say that I have been Down East, and I bring the assurances form that quarter that the whole East is coming to this conflict with the resolution, the determination and the confidence of victory. (applause) I should not allude to my State, were it not that I have heard some Democrats make strong claims upon a popular vote in the State of New York...

...I have the same testimony to give you substanitally in relation to all the free States, together with the assurance that for the first time this banner will be unfurled with slavery in many of the slave States. But let not your thoughts or expectations be continued to the present hour. Tell your fellow citizens that with this victory comes the end of the power of slavery in this country. I think I may assume that a Democrat is a man who maintains the creed pf one or the other the branches of the Democratic party at the present day, and assuming that to be so, I tell you that the last Democrat in the United States is already born. (great cheering and laughter)

Foreign Items- (A) young Virginian who recently volunteered in Garibaldi's army, is Dr. Bradfote Warwick, son of Mr. Cobin Warwick of Richmond, Va. He holds a commission as Surgeon in Sicily.

Astonishing Yield of Rock Oil- The greatest oil well yet discovered in that of D. M. Williams of Warren (Pennsylvania), whose well is about a mile below Titusville. It seems the owners of this well, not satisfied at receiving twelve barrels per day without pumping, determined to bore still deeper, and recently, after boring tow feet deeper, they seem ot have struck the very fountain head of oil. A gentleman who was present and witnessed it, informed use that when they removed the drill fom the hole the oil spouted into the air to the height of eight feet, and literally overflowed everything. Holes were dug into the ground to contain it, as barrels could not be had fast enough to hold it. It has continued to flow at the rate of over two hundred barrels per day.

Abraham Lincoln's Personal Appearance-...Lincoln is not a an ugly man....

The Massacre in Syria.- not less than 2,000 Christians killed.

Elephant Swimming in Ohio River- A trained elephant from a circus took a swim in the Ohio River at Cincinnati.

News From California-- One hundred seceding Mormons had arrived at Carson Valley. They were pursued by the Saints from Salt Lake, who threatened vengeance.

Robbery of a Bank Porter-- New York, The porter of the Greenwich Savings Bank was robbed of $5000 in bills of the Greenwich Bank in the street today. The robber is unknown.

David Upton

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