By:O. Lee Sturkey
Date: Monday, 18 December 2006, 5:50 am
The following obituary appeared in the Richmond Enquirer, 16 Aug 62, p. 3, c. 5:
"Lieutenant Colonel Bradford Warwick
Died, at his father's residence, in the city of Richmond, on the 6th day of July, 1862, Lieut. Colonel BRADFUTE WARWICK, in the 23rd year of his age, of wounds received in the battle of Gaines' Mill, on the 27th of June, 1862.
The career of this young hero was short and brilliant. His early morning possessed the brilliancy of mid-day, and gave promise of greatness and glory, but before these could be gathered, the storm of battle swept across his existence, and extinguished the spirit that shone with such brightness. It was his fortune to pass through many stirring scenes in the brief period allotted to him. He passed through all the perils and hardships incident to an Oriental tour and was with Garibaldi in his brilliant and successful Italian campaign, in which Col. Warwick wreathed his brow with laurels. When clouds prophetic with war began to collect from the political horizon of the New World, he returned from Europe to his home in Virginia; and long before his State seceded, he buckled on his armor, and joined the noble band of patriots who were battling for Southern Rights before Sumter. During the Spring and Summer of 1861, he was engaged in battling for the rights of the South in Western Virginia, where his deportment was ever gallant. In October, 1861, he was appointed by the President Major of the 4th Regiment Texas Volunteers, with which his fortunes have been identified ever since. Upon the promotion of Colonel Hood to Brigadier General, he became Lieutenant Colonel. At the battle of Elkton's [sic, Elton's] Landing, near Barhamsville, his gallant bearing attracted the attention of all, and all joined in praise of his high valor. Wherever danger was most, he was to be seen, urging the regiment into fresh deeds of glory. In the battle of Coal Harbor or Gaines' Mill, the Colonel of the regiment having been killed as it was entering the action, the command devolved upon Lieutenant Colonel Warwick, who led the regiment in a charge which, for dash and intrepidity, is not surpassed by anything in either ancient or modern times. As the regiment was rushing on with an irresistible impetuosity to the charge, he seized a battle-flag which had been abandoned by one of our regiments, and bearing it aloft, he passed both of the enemy's breastworks in a most gallant style, and as he was soon to plant to colors on a battery that the regiment captured, his right breast was pierced by a Minie ball, and he fell mortally wounded. Such was the unfortunate but glorious end of one of the bravest of the brave. In leading the charge - the first to break the Yankee lines in this battle, he gave his name to historical fame. He was a man of fine talent, splendid accomplishments, and possesed a military genius of the highest order. In his death the Confederate States loose a brave and partriotic soldier; his family a devoted brother and son, and his regiment (4th Texas) a gallant officer that [?] had become dear to him because of his many ___ and manly qualities. Let us not grieve over the gallant dead that ___ such a glorious death, but admire the ___ and emulate the exapmple he led to such an end."
The mocrofilm copy is very indistinct and some few words cannot be made out. Brigadier J. Johnston Pettigrew, from North Carolina but a Charleston lawyer before the war, was also in the Italian unification campaign of Garibaldi.
David Upton