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150 Years Ago Today....

***************The Daily True Delta, Friday, September 14, 1860*******************
The Disaster on Lake Michigan- (long article on the details of the sinking of the Lady Elgin and the loss of over 400 people.)


Texas Items.- A meeting of the cotton factors of Galveston was held on Monday last, for the purpose of agreeing upon some uniform rule to be pursued, in conformity with a law of the last Legislature giving directions for the weighing of cotton. The News says, upon full consideration it was resolved that a deduction of two pounds tare should hereafter be made from each bale of cotton, for the purpose of assimilating the market of this city with those of New Orleans and Mobile. …
New Cotton.- The new staple is pouring into Galveston in a perfect torrent….

News says:

The steamer Era, Capt. Jenkins, arrived on Sunday from the Brazos via the canal, bringing 180 bales of cotton. The steamer Lucy Gwin, Capt. Scudder, arrived via the canal, with 318 bales of cotton.
(Due to the rains, the coast counties will expect a second crop of cotton if no frost before the 1st of November.)

Volunteers.- The Houston Telegraph has the proceedings of a public meeting held at Hempstead of the 25th ult., for the purpose of arranging a volunteer cavalry company, to be entitled the Courtney Light Guard. Fifty-three names are attached to the preamble and resolutions.

We see that an Irish volunteer military company has been organized at Houston.

End of the Incendiary Excitement.- A letter from Austin, 1st inst., to the Houston Telegraph, says:

But little excitement now prevails relative to incendiarism, as the people are vigilant in watching the movements of suspicious persons. Active vigilance committees have been formed all over the country, and we now have but little apprehension of danger form abolition vagabonds and scoundrels.

A Deer Hunter.- Myers, the Houston deer hunter, informed the Telegraph that he had killed 6,000 deer in the last nine years, on the Houston praries.
The San Antonio Express mentions the arrival of a caravan of camels in that town form the Pacific.

Groundless Rumors.- The editor of the Weatherford News has received a letter from Gatesville, informing him of the destruction of the town of Weatherford by fire, the only information he had received on the subject, though he had been in Weatherford all the time, and could discover nothing of the kind. Rumor has burned Almestevery town in Northeastern Texas this season. – Galveston Civil’n.


Progress of Garibaldi.- … the great liberator has, beyond doubt, landed on Neapolitan territory, and Ferdinand II, will soon have to battle with a man who has, up to the present, proved invincible. Eight thousand Garibaldians have disembarked on the mainland, and already Regio is in their possession…The General received, upon an English vessel chartered for that purpose by his agents in England, thirty thousand muskets and fifteen rifled cannon. He at once departed for Naples with Colonel Bixio and five thousand picked men…. (Neapolitan Messina fell on August 24, 1860)


The American-Spanish Question.-…The dispatch of a large United States force to the Gulf of Mexico is more especially for the protection of American persons and property- a measure justified by the peril to which they will be exposed in the event of hostilities between Spain and Mexico….


************************Boston Evening Transcript***********************

Explosion In North Street.- About 8 o’clock this morning, the cylinder of a soda water machine burst in the manufactory of Daniel McConologue. , 141 North Street, with a report which startled the neighborhood, and two young men were seriously injured, while other workmen narrowly escaped…pieces of flying metal….

Later From California.- St. Joseph, Mo., Sept. 13. The Pony Express, …The Piute Indians desire peace and promise to keep quiet a year, to give time to have the cause of the troubles explained at Washington. This probably ends the danger to the Pony Express and overland emigration.


*************************The Courier, New Orleans, La.*******************
Electric Telegraph Between The Atlantic and Pacific States.- Treasury Department, July 10, 1860. Proposals will be received at this Department until the tenth day of September next, pursuant to the following act of Congress:
An Act to facilitate Communication between the Atlantic and Pacific States by Electric Telegraph….


Good Name.- The New Jersey Democrats have dubbed the Douglas faction in that State “The Lincoln Aid Society.”

That Room Renting Ordinance.- Landlords will not understand that they are prohibited from renting a room or house to a slave, but must rent it to the slave’s master or agent. Adams, f.m.c., having rented a room to Celia, slave of Mr. Babcock, was arrested by Officer Hugh Sherry, and appeared yesterday morning before Recorder Emerson, who fined him $25.

**********************The New Orleans Commercial Bulletin************************
Gin-Houses Burned.- (a gin-house in Dallas County, Alabama was struck by lightning, 40 bales lost; a gin-house in Holly Springs, two bales of cotton lost, a negro was arrested , suspected of being the incendiary, and remained in jail; a gin-house in Madison, La., burned by accident, lost three bales of cotton.


Movements of the Fillibusters.- As the K. G. C. seem really about to act, we annex the following items of their latest movements.
Col. V.D. Groner, has resigned the command of the Independent Greys, at Norfolk, to go to Mexico with the “K.G.C.’s.”
The Norfolk Argus of the 6th says: We learn that the Knights of the Golden Circl are preparing to march Southward. Detachments have already departed on the N. and P. road. Col. Groner, of our city, is engaged in recruiting, and expects to leave in a few days for Mexico….


Servile Trouble In Clark County, Mississippi,- Mr. Morphis, proprietor of the Verandah Hotel, at DeSoto, Miss., was a passenger on the down train yesterday evening. He informed us that a citizen, a planter in the vicinity, had come into the village just before he left, alarmed and much excited at having discovered a plot for murder and insurrection. Mr. M. had but little time before the departure of the train to talk about the matter. Somehow, it seems, it was discovered that a white man was visiting the planter’s negro cabins nightly for the past week.- Yesterday, a negro woman confessed to a plot to poison him and his family, and to do considerable mischief at the time of a camp meeting now about to be held in the neighborhood. The woman said the white man had promised to take her off to where she would be free, when the work appointed her to do should be accomplished. We are well acquainted with the gentleman, and regard him as a man of intelligence, and possessed of a well balanced mind, not liable to carried away by false alarms.- Mobile Mercury, 12th.

David Upton

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