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150 Years Ago Today...

*************New Orleans Commercial Bulletin, Monday, September 17, 1860****************

The Town of Port Hudson Entirely Consumed.- The Baton Rouge Gazette and Comet learns form a gentleman who came down from the Plains, that on Wednesday night a fire broke out in the town of Port Hudson, in the Northern part of the parish, and the entire place, with the exception of one house, was reduced to ashes.


Encouragement For First Cousins To Marry.- Dr. William Owens in the September number of the Cincinnati Journal of Rational Medicine, reviews the report of Dr. S. M. Bemiss, of Louisville, Ky., made to the American Medical Association at the meeting of 1858, with regard to the intermarriage of cousins, and deduces form his examination of the statistics, the conclusion “that a larger proportion of the parents were defective than the children; and that if any results were ensued from this system of intermarriage it has been sanitary rather than otherwise.”


Activity At the Navy Yards.- Since the first of June of the present year eight war vessels have been put in commission, and all but two of them are at sea. They are the steam frigates Niagara, Susquehanna and Powhatan, gunboats Pawnee, Dacotah and Seminole, the frigate Constitution, and corvette Plymouth. Besides these there are several other vessels getting ready for service, which, in case of necessity, could be sent to sea by the first of October. They are the steam frigate Wabash, the frigate Cumberland, the corvettes Jamestown, Saratoga and Germantown, and the steamers Richmond, Pensacola and Mississippi. “Adding the above list together,” says the New York Post, from which we collate them, “we find that sixteen vessels, carrying 240 guns and 4730 men, have been put in order within four months, while every recruiting office in the service is closed.”


Coffins filled with fire-arms instead of honest corpses, have been found in insurrectionary parts of Georgia and Alabama.


A telegraph line was completed to Omaha, N. T., and an office opened there on the 7th, and the President received a telegraphic dispatch.


The Illinois Central Railroad represents a capital of $30,000,000, employs more than 3000 men, and covers a territory larger than the State of Connecticut. The Erie Railroad represents $37,861,000; the New York Central $333,333,771; the Pennsylvania Railroad $29,000,000; and the Baltimore and Ohio $25,000,000. The Grand Trunk of Canada has cost $60,000,000.


Another Patriotic Call to Duty.- The Hon. Henry W. Hilliard, of Alabama, is one the most brilliant and most patriotic men of that State or of the South. He has been a warm supporter of Mr. Buchanan’s administration, and his voice should therefore find a calm and respectful hearing from every Buchanan or Breckinridge Democrat of the South, and of the North also. Will all such read the following letter in the same spirit that it was written in!....(speaks out against sectionalism and promotes a union of both North and South)

Great Mass Meeting At Jackson, Miss.- We perceive by the Jackson, (Miss.) News that the Constitutionalist of that city have determined upon having a great State mass meeting there on Thursday and Friday, the 4th and 5th of October. It will be a grand affair no doubt….Our brethren up there are a noble set of fellows, and they expect to carry the State. Well, when, the Old Dominion votes against disunion, why should not Mississippi and Louisiana, and every other Southern State imitate her glorious example. That Virginia will so vote is given up frankly by her own Democratic Executive.


United State Court Decision.- Washington, Sept. 15.- In the United States Court, the Calvin demand against Capt. Hollins, of the United States sloop-of-war Cyane, was decided in favor of the defendant because Hollins had acted under the orders of the Secretary of War in the bombardment of Greytown.


Texas News.- John T. Bland charged with murder in Prairie county, Ark., has been arrested near San Antonio.

A man was hung according to the lynch code at Waco, on the 6th, having been identified as one of a gang who had outraged and murdered two young ladies near that place.


The Cotton Crop of Mississippi.- Our crop (Marshall county), which usually amounts to from 40 to 50,000 bales a year, will fall far short of that estimate the present season…we do not believe that the amount the present season will exceed 28,000 bales, if it reaches that….


********************Boston Evening Transcript*********************

The railroad companies of the West are troubled to obtain cars enough to carry the grain that, like an ocean, is flowing into Milwaukee. Nearly three fourths of a million bushels per week is received at Milwaukee, and it has just begun to move.


The funeral of Commodore McIntosh, at Pensacola, on the 2d inst., was an imposing one; army and naval troops being present.


**********************New York Times***************************

The fusion movement does not prosper. The Sub-Committee appointed by the Douglas State Committee to endeavor to negotiate a union with the Breckinridge Democracy, met on Saturday at the St. Nicholas Hotel and resolved to reject the terms of the "National volunteers." The latter were made acquainted, verbally, with the ultimatum of the Douglas men: that the Breckinridge party should have six of the electors and four more in a certain uncertain contingency; that Breckinridge candidates should be substituted for Lieutenant-Governor and Canal Commissioner; but that all the men substituted should be new men. To this the Volunteers would not accede, and there the negotiations ended. In view of this failure to fuse, the Breckinridge State Committee have issued a manifesto, in which they concede the election of LINCOLN, and throw the responsibility for that dire calamity upon the Douglas Democracy.
Hon. HERSCHEL V. JOHNSON addressed the Democracy of Philadelphia, on Saturday evening, at Concert Hall. The line of argument pursued by him was similar to that made use of last week at Jones' Wood. Mr. JOHNSON intends to make a tour of Pennsylvania this week, commencing at Lancaster and closing at Pittsburgh.

Ex-Alderman WILLIAM J. BRISLEY, who has hitherto acted with the Mozart Hall wing of the Democracy, has written a spicy letter to Mayor WOOD, in which he gives his reasons for deserting the Democratic standard-bearers, and casting his vote and influence for LINCOLN and HAMLIN. His disgust with Democratic doings is expressed very emphatically. The letter is published elsewhere.

The West is prolific in dreadful accidents. A dispatch from Chicago informs us that on Friday night a passenger train was run into on the Racine and Mississippi Railroad, at Delavan, Wisconsin, by a freight train, and that five passengers were killed and twenty-five wounded, some of them very seriously. The names of those killed are given in the telegrams. The trains had on board a large party of excursionists, as in the case of the Lady Elgin.

Our special correspondent at Vera Cruz sends us interesting details relative to the engagement in which MIRAMON was recently so disastrously defeated. It seems that several successive actions were fought, in which MIRAMON lost almost everything he had, barely escaping himself by precipitate flight. He succeeded, however, in reaching the City of Mexico, where he immediately convoked a Council of State, and had himself declared President -- ZULOAGA having meantime, by some means, been got rid of. The Liberal party was at last dates in such force around the Capital as to render it necessary only for them to make the attack to insure them its capture. Their available strength was reckoned at 20,000 men. while it was considered impossible that the Church party could muster more than a tenth of that number.

From the details which have reached us by way of New-Orleans, there is little reason to doubt that the career of WALKER in Honduras has come to a sudden check, if not to a total stoppage. After leaving Truxillo he retired down the coast with about eighty men, and was followed on the 23d by the Hondurans, with whom he had an engagement on the Roman River. The result of the engagement, further than the number of WALKER's men injured, is not stated. It is certain, however, that after it he continued to retire down the coast until he reached a place called Limas, where he remained at last accounts.

The Prince of Wales on Saturday visited Niagara Falls with his suite, and admired that wonderful work of nature. He subsequently embarked on board the little steamer Maid of the Mist, and went very near the sheet of falling water. In the afternoon he went to witness the performance of BLOKDIN on the tight rope, who carried a man across on his back and walked across on stilts -- a feat which he has never before attempted. The Prince attended church at Chippewa yesterday. It rained hard, and the service was rather poorly attended. To-day he will probably make an excursion to St. Catherine's Well, and to-morrow he will visit Queenstown, and lay a stone on BROCK's monument.

Four ocean steamers left this port on Saturday, -- the British steamer City of Manchester, Capt. MUIRHOUSE for Liverpool, with 15 cabin and 131 steerage passengers, besides $42,301 in specie; the United States Mail steamer Fulton, Capt. WOTTON for Southampton and Havre, with 85 passengers and $442,000 in specie; the Hamburg Mail steamer Bavaria, Capt. MEYER, for Southampton, Havre and Hamburg, with 109 passengers, and $250,000 in specie; and the steamer Karnak, Capt. BROWNLESS, for Nassau and Havana, with 37 passengers, and $4,000 in specie.

The smack Whim, of Throgg's Neck, Capt. MCGRUER, having a load of oysters for this City, was run into on Friday night at about 6 o'clock, at Hell-Gate, by the steamer Empire State, of the Fall River Line, while on her trip to Fall River, which resulted in the sinking of the smack and drowning of Capt. MCGRUER and one man. Another was rescued, but is badly injured. The steamer proceeded on her way. The collision was said to be purely accidental.

A telegram from Albany announces the destruction by fire of BOARDMAN, GRAY & CO's extensive piano-forte manufactory, together with about one hundred and fifty instruments. A hundred men are thus thrown out of employment. A house belonging to RUFUS GORDON, near Corning, was also burned yesterday morning, and his son, 23 years of age, perished in the flames.

David Upton