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150 Years Ago Today- A Provisional Government

*******************Boston Evening Transcript- Tuesday, September 20, 1860.**************************

Walker the Fillibuster.- … It is well known that military executions are infamous or glorious, according to the person who is shot. To many persons Walker is still a hero, who should be judged according to the large and liberal morality we apply to the actions of conquerors. At the South this feeling especially prevails, owing to the fact that he intended to plant slavery in the territory he invaded; and the meanest villain on the face of the earth would pass with some fanatical portions of the Southern people as a great man, if his meanness and villainy were devoted to the extension of slavery.

The execution of Walker will convert him, in the minds of these men, from a baffled thief into a martyred hero. In view of this fact we think that the occasion is one where a government should indulge in sarcasm rather than rage. It is important that the world should know that Walker’s ability bore no proportion to his impudence, and this might be done by making him an under clerk in some department of the government he aimed to overthrow,- or by binding him as an apprentice to a carpenter, in order that he might for the first time learn the nature of an “honest” living- or by making him taste the delights of that slavery he was so desirous of forcing on thousands of his fellow creatures, in every way superior to himself….


Politics in Business.- The folly of trading on political instead of commercial principles has been illustrated in the losses which some of the jobbers of New York have suffered in their Southern business. About a year ago an attempt was made by Southern politicians to discourage Southern men ob business form purchasing their goods in New York. They were kind enough, however, to allow trade with those New York merchants who were “sound” on the slavery question. The only effect of this was to encourage certain vagabonds to levy black mail. Black and white list were published, by which Southern merchants thought they learned the politics of the leading jobbers of New York.
The truth was they learned no more than this, that the names on the White List were the names of firms intimidated into paying hush-money to the vagabonds we have mentioned, and that the names on the Black List were the names of those firms who refused to be bullied and robbed by irresponsible canvassers.

Of course, those men of business who were on the White List were in constant fear of being removed to the Black one. Any Southerner might denounce them as abolitionist, and it was therefore important that no Southerner should be offended. The result was what might have been expected. Many Southerners got credit in virtue of their locality who never would have been trusted in virtue of their ability to pay. When the whole body of Southern notes became due, it was found, by some merchants at least, that the balance of gain on Southern trade was altogether too small to compensate for the cowardice and baseness by which it was obtained.

This year the New York merchants look to the West rather than the South, and we trust that no Western merchants will be fools enough to buy of republicans rather than democrats, on the ground that the political principles of a man of business make his goods cheaper or better. Retaliation on the part of republicans would fix a freak into a principle, and the most pernicious consequences would follow to honest commerce.


A Horse Guard.- The friends of Mr. Lincoln in Melrose, formed a Club last evening, and selected a committee to organize a Horse Guard as escort. This is the first political association of that character in Massachusetts.


**********************The Daily True Delta******************************

Disturbance Among Politicians.- A dispatch from Philadelphia, of the 15th says. A Bell and Everett meeting last night in the First Congressional District was interrupted by Republicans marching through the crowd. A fight ensued, and stones and pistols were used. The meeting was finally dispersed and nine rioters were arrested. No one was seriously injured, as far as known. It is supposed that the affair was in retaliation for a disturbance perpetrated by parties hurrahing for Bell and Everett, at the Republican serenade to Mr. Sherman, on Wednesday evening.


Rumored Revolt In St. Helena Parish.- The Covington Wanderer of Saturday has the following:

There is a report in Covington, that the negroes of St. Helena parish are in a state of revolt. Whether this be true or not, is a matter of doubt; however, we think a watch should be kept upon the colored population of this parish, particularly about Covington, where slaves are permitted to congregate in large numbers, not only in mid-day, but in the night time also.


Lynching In Kentucky.- …You will probably recollect that about four or five weeks ago a man named Auldrich, who had been released from confinement in the Penitentiary a few weeks previous, murdered his sister and his son, who were important witnesses against him in a case wherein he was charged with having committed a rape upon the sister whom he so cruelly murdered. The body of the sister was cut nearly in two with an axe and thrown into the Big Sandy river, and the son was taken some distance into the woods and there murdered by his brutal father. He made his escape, after saying he intended to kill his father and mother.

Auldrich was arrested in Greenbrier county, Va., a few days since, and taken to Louisa, Lawrence County, Ky., where quite a number of the citizens of the neighborhood in which Auldrich lived, (about thirty miles above Louisa,) took him from the authorities and hung him without the benefit of a trial. The father and brothers of the unfortunate man, I learn, advised the people to pursue this course. It is contended that Auldrich could not have been convicted before any jury in the United States, inasmuch as there was no positive evidence against him- not even circumstantial evidence- though there is not a person on Big Sandy River that doubts he was guilty….


***************************The New Orleans Commercial Bulletin**********************

Abolition Diabolism In Arkansas.- We copy the following from the Helena (Ark.) Shield, of the 15th.

A few evenings since a large number (over one hundred) of empty Morphine bottles were found in a small shanty near the new jail in this city, and form indications it was thought they had there been emptied of their contents and the Morphine transferred to other vessels, or perhaps wrapped in paper. Where those bottles came from, how, when, and by whom they were brought there, is a mystery, and the large quantities of Morphine they contained, coupled with the fact that poison had been found in the possession of slaves in Texas and other parts of the country, very naturally created considerable excitement in our usually quiet little city. On Wednesday a meeting of citizens was held at the Court-house to take some steps to unravel the mystery, and a committee of prudent, reliable citizens was appointed to investigate the matter, but up to last evening nothing had been elicited that could throw any light on this mysterious occurrence.


Provisional Government For the Southern States!- Start not reader, when we tell you that a plan for a Provisional Government of the Southern States has actually been sketched out and extensively circulated! We referred to this fact last week in our review of Mr. Breckinridge’s speech, and we give this morning the document itself entire…

Preamble.- “Whereas, Having experienced for the last thirty-eight years the impossibility of preserving an honorable and peaceable union with our Northern confederates, it now becomes our imperative duty to make an honorable, and if possible, a peaceable separation. And,

Whereas, The dismemberment of the existing Union between these United States is inevitable, and that past and existing propositions for uniting the Southern people in one bond of brotherhood are most impotent for consummating that much desired result: And,

Whereas, The South should sever the existing union of these States for past aggressions, as well as to the prevention of others which must inevitably follow under existing party organizations: And,

Whereas, It is the natural and reasonable province of an honorable, peaceable and brave people to prepare for a contingency so certain and momentous, without waiting to be abruptly forced into a doubtful or inefficient organization for the preservation of those rights which the most sacred honor of man impels us to defend. And,

Whereas, A permanent separation of conflicting interest, pursuits, habits, laws, or opinions, is far preferable to a doubtful or unpleasant alliance: Be it, therefore,

[Articles 1- 6]

Art. 6 Any white Southern citizen or resident, over the age of eighteen years, may become a member of this organization, by pledging himself to support the foregoing Preamble, Resolutions, and Constitution, and signing the same: and his signature to this Constitution shall be a sufficient indication that he approves the said Preamble, Resolutions and Constitution.

David Upton

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