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150 Years Ago Today...

********************Daily True Delta, Wednesday, Sept. 26, 1860************************

Distress Among the Redmen.- A week or so since we copied a paragraph from the Fort Smith (Ark.) Herald, which stated that the unprecedented drouth and consequent failure of the corn crops, which have threatened several portions of the south with great suffering during the ensuing winter and spring, have been experienced also in our Indian territory west of Arkansas, and especially among the agricultural and much advanced Choctaw tribe of aborigines. We regret to find, by the subjoined letter, addressed by Mr. Pitchlynn, agent to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, that the paragraph alluded to was but too true, and that there is every probability of great suffering among the “children of the forest,” the coming winter, unless government extends them in succoring hand.

Below is the letter:

Washington, September 12, 1860.

Sir: I regret to inform you that I am in receipt of the most distressing and alarming accounts of the condition of affairs among the Choctaws, growing out of the entire failure of their crops. Their last wheat crop was winter-killed, and much of their stock perished from the severity of the weather: it having been the hardest winter ever known in that section of the country, while during the past summer an excessive drouth has prevailed and entirely destroyed their corn and vegetable crops. The consequence must be great destitution and suffering during the approaching winter and spring. Great scarcity of subsistence is beginning to prevail even now, and starvation stares many of the people in the face.

A very painful anxiety, as well as a sense of duty to my people, impels me to call the attention of the department to the subject, for the purpose of ascertaining whether it is possible for it to prevent or in any degree to mitigate the dread calamities which must attend this direful condition of things unless timely provision be made to avert them.

I apprehend that the Choctaws will be compelled to appropriate every dollar coming to them form the government this year to the purchase of food for the suffering poor, even to the taking of their funds ofr education and other specific objects under treaty stipulations: but, form the accounts I am almost daily receiving of the general destitution which must prevail throughout the country, I am satisfied that the sums which they can themselves devote to this object will fall far short of the real exigencies of the case. Hence it is very important to know whether it will be in the power of the government to aid them to any extent in their pending calamity.

…I have to request that you be so good as to furnish me with a statement of the amounts due them that can now be remitted, and also of any other amounts belonging to them, but which there may b e objection to paying over to them without some formal action of their council or further legislation of Congress.

With much respect, you obedient servant,
P.P. Pitchlynn, Choctaw Delegate.
C.E. Mix, Esq., Acting Commissioner Indian Affairs.


Fire.- A wooden building at Campbell’s bridge, Petersburg, occupied by a Merchant’s Manufacturing Company as a storehouse for cotton, in which here were between one hundred and one hundred and fifty bales stowed away at the time, was entirely consumed by fire on Tuesday week. The cotton was valued at $7000, and was insured for only $3000.


A German Incendiary.- Among the insane Jacobins whom the abolitionist have employed to perambulate the free states to glorify Lincoln and cover Douglas with the slime of their abuse, is an insane German radical called Carl Shurz. Some think he must be in the pay of Mr. Buchanan from the virulence and malevolence of his denunciations of the democratic candidate for the presidency. In a late exhibition of the follow’s, at Harrisburg, Pa., he uttered the following:

“There is your declaration of Independence,” said he, “a diplomatic dodge, adopted merely for the purpose of excusing the rebellious colonies in the eyes of civilized mankind. There is your Declaration of Independence, no longer the sacred code of the right of man, but a hypocritical piece of special pleading, drawn up by a batch of artful pettifoggers, who, when speaking of the rights of man, meant but the privileges of set of aristocratic slaveholders, but styled it the rights of man in order to throw dust in the eyes of the world, and to inveigle noble-hearted fools into lending them aid and assistance. [Applause.] These are your boasted revolutionary sires, no longer heroes and sages, but accomplished humbuggers and hypocrites; who said one thing and meant another; who passed counterfeit sentiments as genuine, and obtained arms and money and assistance and sympathy on false pretences! There is your great American Revolution, no longer the great champion of universal principals, but a mean Yankee trick- [burst of applause and laughter]- a wooden nutmeg- the most impudent imposition ever practiced upon the whole world!” [Applause]


Death of T. D. ( “Jim Crow”) Rice.- …the once celebrated delineator of negro character, who was then lying dangerously ill, and in straitened circumstances, in New York,…Mr. Rice was born in the city of New York , in 1808, and made his first appearance in a subordinate position at the Park Theatre. Here he first appeared before the public in a piece called “Jim Crow,” and made it a big hit….

Last Saturday week a fire broke out in Opelousas, destroying property to the value of $4000. The Gazette urges upon the citizens of Opelousas the importance and necessity of organizing a company of firemen and procuring a good engine, to be always in readiness in case of emergency, and whether that emergency be the result of accident or the work of an incendiary.

Mississippi Intelligence.- Ordered to Leave the State.- At a public meeting in the south-eastern portion of Clarke county, Cyrus W. Harris was resolved to have been guilty of trafficking with slaves, having negro dances at his house on the Sabbath, he making the music, and has otherwise been guilty of misdemeanors. He was ordered to leave the state.
Artesian Well.- The citizens of Natchez are about boring an Artesian well. A public meeting was held a few days since, but nothing definite was done.
Political.- The Courier says: The Breckinridge party were in fine feathers Tuesday. The had at last a speaker, and he satisfied them with assaults on Douglas, sneers at Bell, and a general admission as to the probability of Lincoln’s election.

Home Again.- Mrs. Henry Bowers, whose cold corpse was supposed to be at the bottom of a well, has turned up, not from the bottom of the well but from Biloxi, where she has been rusticating. It will be remembered that Bowers was arrested nine or ten days ago, on suspicion of having murdered her, thrown her body into a well and filled the well up. He has one consolation- if he be a hard-hearted individual, that she has been in trouble as well as himself.

Shocking Calamity – Burning of Two Children.- [Bloomington, Du Page County, (Illinios?), from the Chicago Press and Tribune, Sept. 17th] …it appears that Mrs. Dralle went to the put up some bars on the fence and drive the cattle out of the field, leaving several children about the house- two, aged four and six years, were in the grain-house playing. When the mother returned the shed and grain-house were on fire, and every means to rescue the unfortunate ones cut off. The children were burned to cinders. The little that remained of them was found in the corner farthest from the door….The cause of the fire is unknown, and will not probably be found out; surmise is at fault.

******************The Courier, New Orleans, La.***************************

Duel Prevented.- Two young gentlemen of the Second District, who intended to proceed to the outskirts of the city yesterday morning, there to settle an affair of honor according to the rules of the duello, were prevented by the interference of Lieut. Crevon, who had them arrested. Recorder Biache requires security that the duel shall not be fought.


[Petersburg (Va.) Bulleting, 18th Inst.

From Occoquan.- The Georgetown correspondent of the Washington Star, says: “The Republican fire at Occoquan is not altogether extinct, it seems, but still smoulders and occasionally blazes up. They caught one of the active participants in cutting down the pole a day or two since, and shaved his horse’s tail, talked of riding him on one of Abe’s rails, and played a number of other practical jokes on him. Our informant states that it being understood that General E. Hutton was to address a Democratic meeting at that place, the Republicans, in a spirit of bravado, erected another pole on Saturday last; but not of the magnificent proportions of the former one.”


******************New Orleans Commercial Bulletin**************************

Elect Lincoln and Then Plunge the Country Into A Revolution!- The Chicago Democrat, edited by the Hon. John Wentworth, ex-Member of Congress, tells it s friends that all they have to do to elect Lincoln is to see that there is a Breckinridge ticket in every State.

….The extreme Sectionalists are thus playing into each other’s hands openly, unblushingly- The sectionalist South help the sectionalists North to do a work which when done the former declare to be good cause for revolution. The sectionalist South propose to make the cause which shall be ground for dissolving the Union, and when that is produced they will take advantage of their own production and tear down the Government under which we live!....


The Mobile Mail Boat Aground- Transfer of Passengers- Probable Loss of Life- [the mail boat “Oregon” went aground near Grant’s Pass (between Dauphin Island and the main-land) and while transferring passengers by the ships boat to the “Florida”, the Florida’s paddle wheel began backing, sucking the boat into it. Most of the passengers escaped death, however, two fell overboard, one unknown man, and a Mr. Crockett who was rescued.]


Return of Walker’s Men- We are informed that a steamer went down the river yesterday for the purpose of bringing up the men belonging to Gen. Walker’s command recently liberated by the Hondurian Government, and who arrived in the schooner John A. Taylor….


Threatened Famine.- We learn with regret that large portions of northern and eastern Mississippi have nothing but famine in prospect before them the coming winter. The scorching drouth has left no sustenance for either man or beast. The failure of the crops has left them without any resources; and the cry for relief from the State government reaches Jackson as strongly as it has reached our Louisiana executive form the Red River District. Gov. Pettus is considering the best means of relief, which he will achieve, even if it be necessary to call the Legislature together.

********************The New York Times*********************************

The steamship Anglo Saxon, from Liverpool on the 13th, via Londonderry on the 14th inst., with two days' later European advices, passed Father Point on her way to Quebec yesterday afternoon, but owing to the disarrangement of the telegraph wires between Father Point and Montreal, we are unable to publish her news this morning. She is due at an early hour at Quebec, from which point the news will be forwarded in time for our afternoon editions.

A telegram from Washington announces that the Neapolitan Minister has taken formal leave of our Government, his diplomatic functions having terminated on the abdication of his sovereign.

JAMES T. BRADY, Esq., the candidate of the Brickinridge Democracy for Governor, made a speech at Albany, last night, on the occasion of a serenade to him at Congress Hall, which is considered a death-blow to all attempts at fusion. He declared that the time for fusion was past, and declared unrelenting war against Mr. DOUGLAS, who, after the present contest, would never be heard of again. He reviewed the action of the two Democratic State Committees, and asserted chat the responsibility for the defeat of the union of the Democracy rested with the Richmond-Cagger Committee. Mr. BRADY's remarks were received with great favor by his friends.

Senator DOUGLAS, on Monday, addressed a very large audience at Tiffin, Ohio. He has accepted an invitation to visit Louisville, Ky., and will deliver an address there on Saturday next.

The Republican Judiciary Convention met at No. 618 Broadway last evening, and nominated BENJAMIN W. BONNEY for Judge of the Supreme Court, by acclamation. A hard struggle took place on the nomination for Recorder, between the friends of Ex-Judge JOHN W. EDMONDS and of CHARLES S. SPENCER, who were so nearly divided among the Delegates present, that in three ballots neither party could obtain a majority of the Convention. On the fourth ballot Mr. EDMONDS received 58 votes and Mr. SFENCER 5[???]. Mr. EDMONDS was then declared the unanimous nominee of the Convention. The Convention nominated JOHN SEDGEWICK for City Judge, and DAVID R. JACQUES for Surrogate. Mr. SEDGWICK is the present, efficient Assistant District-Attorney. Mr. JACQUES was a member of the last Legislature, and for a number of years Clerk in the Surrogate's Office.

The Prince of Wales and the Royal party appear to be enjoying themselves hugely in shooting prairie hens, quails and rabbits in the vicinity of Dwight's Station. His Highness had extraordinary good luck yesterday, and bagged a large quantity of game. His adventures will be found duly chronicled in the dispatch of our special correspondent. The Prince and his suite leave for St. Louis on a special train this morning, at 8 o'clock.

Utah news to the 31st of August is furnished by our correspondent, at Great Salt Lake City. The first party of hand-cart emigrants of the season had arrived in very good condition, having suffered very little on the route. The wheat harvest was being rapidly garnered, and gave general satisfaction, though there were, a few complaints of smut. Corn was also very good. An exploring expedition had visited the coal region near the Weber River, and reported that the section of country is one vast coal-bed, or series of beds, though considerably broken up by seine convulsion of nature. The Indians were at first disposed to be hostile towards the expedition, but finally, after a "talk," thought better of it. Surveyor-General STAMBAUGH had recently returned from a survey of a considerable portion of the Territory, and is reported to be not very favorably impressed in regard to the general character of the country.

David Upton

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