The primary CAUSE for the War was another matter. It was the Lincoln regime's invasion of the South. Lincoln hoped to Centralize his power, the power of the Federal government to trump States' Rights and trash the Bill of Rights. He thought he could make it happen in a few weeks, perhaps months. The death of 700,000 people, a vast amount of property and a legacy of hardened race relations has been laid at the door step of every proud Southern family (black and white) to this very day.
Southern men and women fought to defend their States, their homes, and an assortment of other fair and logical reasons such as avoiding the stigma of being branded a coward.
Americans were defeated, conquered on their home soil in a war of attrition and to the present day, revisionists portray the War of Northern Aggression as everything it never was....a war to end slavery...a war to save America from Europe....a war to unite Americans in peace and posterity.