Thank you for that information. My gg grandfather was a Confederate lieutenant, young, returning from furlough to Port Hudson, Louisiana, when (I theorize) he was captured by Sturby that dark night on today's highway 28 (Bowerton I imagine) one and half miles west of what once was Bahala Road. Possibly it is my gg grandfather Sturby refers to in his memoir as the very 'sociable' Confederate lieutenant from Port Hudson. Mine was twenty. The family story passed down is that gg grandfather was captured near Brookhaven by Grierson but recognized a fraternity brother among Grierson's officers, he at Yale, mine at UVA, gave secret handshake, and was let go. We know gg grandfather fought two days later at Port Gibson, MS, before his capture a second time, this at Jackson, MS, when he was paroled and went to Ocean Springs, MS, to marry his sweetheart on June 1, 1863.
I have often wondered and incompletely researched who might have been the Yankee officer who let mine go.
Thank you again.