The Civil War News & Views Open Discussion Forum

Old habits are hard to break....

“..There were two candidates for the Presidency at this time, Fremont the young path finder as he was called was the nominee of the Republican Party and was opposed by the veteran politician and Democrat Buchanan. The prelude to the great national storm which threatened to wreck the ship of state had already commenced and there was much treasonable talk. A party of Virginians threatened in case Fremont was elected to anticipate secession seize Old Point Comfort and hold Fortress Monroe against the government. I wrote to Fremont warning him of this plot and telling him that for one I intended to throw myself with my company into one of the barracks in case of any such attempt and hold out as long as possible. He determined the moment this election was announced to anticipate the revolutionists by occupying Fort Monroe with a party of his adherents headed by himself. Buchanan however was elected and the excitement subsided for the time being.”

Abner Doubleday on the 1856 election. Sounds slightly familiar...didn't this happen in Charleston?

David Upton