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Chicago Fire, 1871

"General Sheridan's military occupation of Chicago has been defended on the plea of necessity. Even this poor plea, the customary resort of tyrants, fails him. His improvised "regiment," arrayed under his direction, resulted in the unprovoked and wanton murder of Thomas W. Grosverner, a prominent and estimable citizen. The plea of military necessity, though it answers very well for Southern States, does not seem to relish so well when it comes to home application in a Northern State. Gov. Palmer, though a Republican, announced in his proclamation calling for the indictment of Sheridan by the grand jury, such doctrines about the rights of the people and the States, that it has been truly siad of it that if it had been issued by a Democratic Governor in one of the Southern States, Gen. Grant would have called for 75,000 volunteers to suppress a "rebellion." Hartfore [Conn.] Weekly Times, Nov. 18. 1871.

David Upton