To Abraham Lincoln,
An Ex Lord Mayor of London begs the President to take the advice of the wise men of Europe.
London July 11, 1862
Mr. President Lincoln
The eyes of all nations are anxiously looking for a complete Settlement of this unholy & Barbarous Civil War and I must tell you plainly that the People of England and France are now determined to settle it, even to the point of the Bayonet and that at once if you do not offer Peace & good Terms to the South or confederate army It appears that so large a Number of people of High class standing consider the North as usurpg authority and after 12 Months Fighting proves the parties Balanced therefore it is only wise to make a drawn Battle. See what terms the South will take-- Suppose the Washington government offer 14 years purchase for the slaves & property and the North relet the Same to other parties and the money raised by government instead of War levies it would be much cheaper and of course better for all parties as the American Laws allowed Slavery, it cannot take by force & Sword a whole Territy by act of Parliament, like taking land for a Railway, therefore give any slave owner his own price and he will sell then you can release the slaves but the present War is doing more harm, than the continuance of Slavery because it commits murder at home & starvation abroad! it is every Bodies quarrel and most people look now that you are acting with stubborness Vengence and Tyrany and if Gods Wishes are to be accomplished it must be done in a just manner, therefore either you must call an armistace and propose terms or else acknowledge the Independency of the South or other Nations will unite to help the South as they did to put down Napoleon I when he was for conquering the whole World-- You must allow other people Wisdom and I think you Would raise your name to much higher glory by taking European advice; for America is not a conquered Nation with a King or Emperor but an adopted nation where every man is a citizen in the height of War as in great calamity or in the greatest prosperity no man is a good judge how to Settle for the best, in Such cases a good & wise Foreign Friend would be a Heavenly Blessing and I believe if you will act upon this and Submit the case to England France, Russia, Austria &c it will be Settled in a very Short time and which ever way they decide they must carry out by a united War against either Side who objects to their decession
Yours Sincerely
an Ex Lord Mayor
of London