The Free State of Winston
Marion Ala.
Dec. 7th 1861
Hon. John Gill Shorter;
Gov. of Ala.
Dear Sir,
' I inclose you a letter from Dr. A. Kaeiser, of Winston
County. I hope the action of the meeting alluded to in Dr. K's
lett'ii has reached you. I was present at the meeting & drafted
the Preamble & Resolutions alluded to. The state of affairs in
that county is really alarming, not, perhaps, so much to the
Government as to the few loyal citizens among them. I visited
Winston in a tour to raise companies for a regiment. There are
organized companies in the county which drill regularly with
the avowed purpose of defending the Union. I send you a copy
of one of their circulars, marked "A." Many men in that county
told me frankly, if they had to fight for any body, they would
fight for Lincoln. And without repeating, I may say that the
facts stated in the preamble of the resolutions sent you by Dr,
K. & the other gentlemen acting with him, are not only litter a.iy
true, but they do not express the whole truth — "the half has
not been told you." *«»D. r. Kaeiser is a very intelligent gentleman,
as you may see from his letter, nor is he by any means a timid
man or one to conger up imaginary fears. You will see from