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Governor Foraker of Ohio

The Camp Chase graveyard in 1887 where 2,000 plus Confederate soldiers were buried had not been taken care of for years. At times it was reported some people had even dumped their trash at the graveyard. A great deal of disrespect was shown to the dead in my opinion. Governor Foraker did not help matters. The following shows the Governors attitude toward the South.

This taken from Wikipedia.................Foraker became popular during his governorship for "waving the bloody shirt", that is, castigating the South for the Civil War. President Cleveland in 1887 requested northern governors to return captured Confederate battle flags. When Foraker was asked by a supporter if he would allow the banners to go South, he responded by telegraph, "No rebel flags will be returned while I am governor."[40] Cleveland backed down, and Foraker was hailed as a hero by many, receiving thousands of congratulatory messages. Foraker criticized the President for vetoing a bill increasing war pensions and for going fishing on Decoration Day. When the governor visited Philadelphia later that year for the centennial of the Constitution, he rode at the head of a regiment of Ohio militia past the reviewing stand on which Cleveland stood. When Foraker saluted, Cleveland removed his hat, but did not bow slightly as he had for other state governors. Later that day, Foraker led a troop of Grand Army of the Republic veterans past Cleveland's reviewing stand in another parade, bearing an array of captured battle flags

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Governor Foraker of Ohio
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