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Irene Triplett, last one left

Only one WBTS child is still alive getting a Federal pension and her name is Irene Triplett of North Carolina. Her father Moses Triplett joined the 53rd North Carolina in 1861 and then transferred to the 26th North Carolina. Deserting in late June of 1863 at a Confederate hospital he later joined the Union's 3rd North Carolina Mounted Infantry in Knoxville, Tennessee in 1864. As it turns out the last living child of a WBTS soldier still getting a Federal pension was a galvanized Yankee. Her story and photograph can be read on google by entering her name.

The 3rd NCMI as a unit was accused of many war atrocities including murder and considered by some as bushwackers. The fighting in eastern Tennessee and western North Carolina had their own war within the war as many of us know.