The South Carolina in the Civil War Message Board

Re: Second Manassas
In Response To: Second Manassas ()

If he died instantly, he would undoubtedly have been buried within a few yards of where he fell. If he lived long enough to make it to a field hospital, he would have been buried near it. A great number of the wounded Confederates were taken to Warrenton to hosptials set up there, and the many soldiers who died there of their wounds are buried in a mass grave in the City Cemetery, with their names on a marker. Some families with means did disinter their loved ones and bring their bodies home for burial, but not very many, particularly by this stage of the war, for the area around the Manassas battlefield was largely in Federal hands from late September 1862 to the end of the war.

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Second Manassas
Re: Second Manassas