I am the vice-president of The UDC Chapter #190 C.I.Walker, we found the gravesite and memorial of our soldier and we were asked permission from the SCV to to have a memorial there on Confederate Day. We granted permission, and a letter was sent to the church informing them of this. This memorial and 100 square feet surronding it belongs to our chapter and we have documents to support this. The problem is that the church said they would look the other way but we are to remove the monument from their grounds.. This memorial is in South carolina and I have searched in vain to find if they can take legal action to have us remove it. From my understanding of when the Confederate Flag was removed from the Capitol an amendment was agreed upon that no memorials, monuments, graves, etc. can be re-located. I also understand that no Confedertae named streets, lanes, blvds. etc can have the name changed. Does anyone have any info on this? Thank you, Ann Harmon