The South Carolina in the Civil War Message Board

Re: Catawba Rangers
In Response To: Catawba Rangers ()

John Cantzon Foster (Jack Foster) was my great uncle:

John Cantzon Foster served in the Civil War as commander of the Catawba Rangers, made up of Company H, 4th Battalion of Butler's Cavalry. He was a graduate of the South Carolina College.

obituary, The State:


One of Lancaster's Most Prominent

Citizens Passes Away - Veteran

of War

Special to The State.

Lancaster, Sept. 30- Capt. John C. Foster, one of Lancaster's most prominent and universally esteemed citizens, passed away today about 11:30 o'clock at the home of his son-in-law, Clerk of Court Paul Moore, on White street. He had been in failing health for several weeks.

Capt. Foster was a gentleman of the old school, a graduate of the South Carolina college, a soldier of the Confederacy, with an enviable record, and a citizen who was ever loyal to the best interests of his country. He was born and reared in the Waxhaw section of the county, was a son of John Foster, and was about 78 years of age. He is survived by but one child, Mrs. Paul Moore, of this place. His wife, who was a Miss Hood, died many years ago. The greater part of his life was spent in farming on an extensive scale in the Waxhaws, removing to Lancaster some years ago to reside with his son-in-law and daughter, though he continued to pay occasional visits to his plantation. At one time he experimented with sheep-raising in Florida, spending some two or three years in that state.

Of genial, affable manner, kindly nature, and socially inclined, Capt. Foster made friends of all with whom he came in contact. He was a good scholar, and was well versed in the classics. He was a man of an exalted type of Christian character, and for many years preceding his death was a leading member and officer of the Presbyterian church.

During the war Capt. Foster commanded Company H of the Fourth South Carolina cavalry regiment in Butler's Brigade, and participated in the many hard fought battles in which that famous command was engaged. As an officer he was both cool and courageous and was idolized by his faithful followers.

The funeral arrangements, at this hour this afternoon, have not yet been made.

John Cantzon Foster

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