The South Carolina in the Civil War Message Board

Uniform Higland Guard CHARLESTON

Uniform 17th Milita Regiment (Scottish Guard) or (Highland Guard)South Carolina (Charleston)

Frederick Todds book American Military Equipage 1851 1872 Volume 2 State Forces Page 1162 Fig 364 shows the following:- a line drawing of a soldier in full kilt and plaid waearing a scottish feather bonnet and another in frock coat trousers with a shoulder plaid and a scottish feather bonnet.

I have been trying for quite a few years to find out what tartan the Charleston units wore between the very early 1800's and 1861 without success can anyone help. If you e-mail me I can send an attachment with the drawing.

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Uniform Higland Guard CHARLESTON
Re: Uniform Higland Guard CHARLESTON