The Tennessee in the Civil War Message Board

Re: Hospitals
In Response To: Re: Hospitals ()


The Confederate Cemetery near Tyner's Station is known as the Silverdale Confederate Cemetery. Approximately 155 soldiers were buried here during the summer and fall of 1862. These soldiers died mostly of disease that swept the ranks during that time. This number estimate is believed by me and other historians to be low and many more may be buried here. These graves are unmarked and no know roster of those buried there exists.

Some are buried in the Confederate Cemetery located across the street from the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga. Below are the known soldiers from Mississippi that were in the regiment you referred to in this second cemetery.

Cremer, A. L., Company A, 37th Regiment.
Davenport, G. W., Company A, 37th Regiment.
Garuse, S., Company H, 37th Regiment
Godwin, E. H., Company H, 37th Regiment.
Hassell, J. H., Company D, 37th Regiment
McCrorg, W. D. T., Company D, 37th Regiment.
McDonald, J., Company B, 37th Regiment
Ussery, G. H., Company C, 37th Regiment

Check the link below for information on both cemeteries.

I hope this helps.


Gerald D. Hodge, Jr.
War Between the States Historian
Historian: 39th Georgia Volunteer Infantry Regiment

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