The Tennessee in the Civil War Message Board

Camp Chase Crime in a nutshell

According to the OR's Series 2, Volume 7, pages 1161-1162 this is what happened at Camp Chase on Thanksgiving Day (Nov.24,1864)

"On the night of the 24th instant the bodies of six deceased prisoners were stolen from the grave-yard attached to camp where prisoners only are buried. I arrested the perpetrators of this outrage and referred the matter to General Hooker and was by him directed to turn the prisoners and papers over to the prosecuting attorney of this county, which I have done. Respectfully referred to the Commissary-General of Prisoners." W.P. Richardson

And on November 30th 1864 the newspaper the "Crisis" confirmed the macabre event.

"Body Snatchers"

"It has been discovered that an organized band of body snatchers, resurrectionists, exists in this city, whose practice it is to rob the graves at Camp Chase of dead bodies which are shipped to the medical college at Cleveland for dissection. Dr. Flowers of this city is said to the leader in this business, and he was arrested in company with one or two less respectable assistants, last week , by the Post Commander at Camp Chase. The parties were discharged upon their parole, to appear at such time as the military authorities designate. There is a State law by which the robbing of graves is pronounced a high crime punishable by imprisonment in the Penitentiary. It is understood that twelve bodies bodies were exhumed last week. Dr. Flowers excuses has action on the ground that "subjects were needed at the Cleveland Medical College and that the bodies were those of rebels,who were fit for nothing but dissection!"

And then the "Columbus Gazette" yet again confirmed the story with a little different version.

Body Snatching"

"Considerable talk has been occasioned in this city this week, by the arrest, by the Military authorities at Camp Chase, of sundry persons from this city and Cleveland, Ohio, who had been engaged in digging up bodies of deceased rebels from the grave yard in that vicinity. This was done for the purpose of procuring subjects for the Cleveland Medical College. It is alledged that about a dozen bodies have been thus procured. The parties were released on their parole to appear at such time as the Military authorities shall desigate. At the time of the arrest, it is stated, Dr. Flowers, of this city, was along with the parties arrested; but it is claimed that he had no connection with the matter further than to show the location of the burying ground. So great is the repugnance of the community to body snatching, that few will be fouind ready to justify the invasion of even a rebel's grave. Our Military authorities should see to it that the practice is stopped."

And another Columbus newspaper verified the story this time the "Ohio Statesman"


"It seems that a systematic exhuming of the dead bodies of rebel prisoners buried at Camp Chase, has been going on for some time past, in order to supply a Medical College at Cleveland with subjects for dissection. An agent of the College from Cleveland it is said has been in the city for some time, engaged in forwarding this business, through the aid of such persons as he could enlist in the service. Amoung others, Dr. Flowers of this city, is charged with being a principal actor in the affair. The Doctor, we understand, was arrested on Friday night by the military authorities, and taken to Camp Chase, and released on giving bail for his appearance on a future day."

Hopefully more information will be gathered in the near future so that this sad chapter in our history can be settled. It would appear that some of the bodies might be those of a Tennessee soldier.