My name is Gale Red. I am the past Commander of the IL Division, SCV. I am also the coordinator for the IL Confederate Graves Project. I came across you message about getting together the information on men from the 50th TN Inf. One of the men I found is Benjamin Norfleet.
He is buried in the
Hillcrest Cemetery, Centralia:
NORFLEET, Ben F., Sgt., Co. F 50th TN Infantry CSA, b. 29 May 1832 (TN), d. 20 Jan 1916,
sec 1, lot 205 (Was originally buried in Mt. Morriah Cemetery, Kell, IL: L 20, B R, sec. 1.
He was in Camp Douglas at Chicago.)
I have a bio on him that was in a Marion County History book and will be glad to send it to you if you would like. I know there were many other men from the 50th at Camp Douglas in Chicago. There may have been others who were prisoners in IL. I will do some checking and get back with you on that.
I am trying to find out something that maybe you can help me with. First, do you know of any others from the regiment who moved to IL and where they may have settled? Second, can you tell me anything about the James P. Bennett who was a Private in Co. D. One of the men in my camp has a Great grandfather by that name who came from Stewart Co., TN. We are trying to find his unit and am hoping this might be our man.
I look forward to hearing from you as soon as is convenient. Thanks.
Gale Red