Hello Yall!
I am a freshman at Independence High School in Franklin Tn and I came up with the idea of have a Civil War Club and focussing on what happened in Middle Tn.I have been wanting to start reenacting and i have been to 2 events as a reenactor, but i dont know of many events to go to because I dont know anyone that is in a military unit that i could go to a reenactment with. It seemed like I was at a dead end. My freind Megan and I talked about it one day and she loved the idea. So then later I talked to Administration about having a club and they loved the idea.
Everything seems to be working out so well but i have one problem...I dont have any idea what we should do!!!!! I know we are going to have to research. We would like to go to reenactments but that will have to come MUCH later b/c one other person and me are the only ppl that has a costume.
I would greatly appreciate ANY suggestions that yall might have!!!!!!